Since 1992, Robin has intensely studied the self-image, which encompasses a bachelors and masters in Social Work, a Juris Doctorate and a Health and Wellness certification, as well as being in full-time ministry since February 2011. She has written 75 plus workbooks and several books, encompassing spirituality, anatomy, physics, mathematics, astronomy, physiology, physics and neuroscience. In addition, Robin has been on the Ketogenic diet nearly four years, and shares her journey with others.
Our Mission
Robin’s mission is to use the 10,000 plus hours of research about the soul of mankind, bringing a better awareness as to the reasons people have existing patterns, which they need to breakout of, in order that they engender an unlimited potential in reaching their God given design.
This health and wellness ministry is based on Joel 2:26
“And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame.” Joel 2:26 AMPC
Many do not realize that different parts of their life have a domino causality on other areas. This can be distinguished as we look at something as simple as a table. The Table is where we eat in plenty. This table is our self-image to which we give meaning to everything in life. The four legs of the table are spiritual, emotional/mental, physical and relationships. Whenever, any one of these legs of the table are deficient in our life, it controls the means by which we see ourself and others, thereby effectuating the lens of shame to predict our future.
When dealt with appropriately by the individual, through overcoming trials and tribulations and reaching goals in life, the old predictions of the past mindset are reprogrammed. It is then that you walk in the transformed Mind of Christ Jesus, knowing the thoughts of the Father towards you, to bring you a hope and a future. This is our ultimate aim!
The “IT” in Table IT is an acronym for “Image Texturized.” This came to me from the Lord when I was journeying in one of my core scriptures for many years Jeremiah 29:11-13.
11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.
13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13
The Hebrew word for “thoughts” here means, a machine, device, invent and thoughts. This comes from the Hebrew root word, which means “to interpenetrate like plaiting a girls hair and TEXTURE!” It was then that God said, “Robin, My thoughts become texture, three-dimensional; they manifest!” As time continued since the Lord told me to do the Health and Wellness coaching, and more revelation came, He showed me that the table is our self-image from which we perceive everything in life, eating off of it, through our circumstances and relationships, giving meaning all day long to everything around us.
As we come to know our true IMAGE in Christ, it becomes TEXTURIZED, three-dimensional and is no longer a myth nor an enigma; it is REAL! Robin’s coaching style is to co-labor with her clients in meeting their goals, all the while transforming into a new person through the process.
Robin provides coaching packages in empowering her clients to live an unlimited life, break old mindsets and create a new personal reality. Message her at for packaging information.
“The most valuable help God has sent me next to Christ Jesus is Robin Kirby-Gatto!
She has patiently and lovingly coached me on how to unpack & uproot hindering issues that were deeply buried in my soul.
Now I am diving “body” first into her book “MINDFULNESS”, The Mind of Christ! Shortly into chapter 2, I knew I wanted my husband, who is not a reader to hear this. We read aloud a few pages at a time and then process what we’ve just read. We also do book coaching and apply the ancient technique found in chapter 6. The last 33 years of our marriage we struggled with communicating our feelings and instead became easily offended when we miscommunicated. In a few short weeks since reading and applying the technique we have been communicating better, becoming less irritated with one another and are more mindful of our words. In my 52 years Robin is the only person I have met that walks In the call of Isaiah 61:1 anointed to set the captives free.” Margaret Pearl Holt
What We’ve Achieved
Motivating others to walk in the power of the transformed mind, the Mind of Christ, bringing mindfulness to a greater awareness to the Church.
Changing lives through transforming marriages, as people see themselves and others differently.
Bringing a new personality to clients through separation of old hindrances and mindsets that have created a false-reality.
Working with clients in court cases, communicating with their attorney, as well as breaking down legal jargon, to assist clients in court cases including but not limited to divorce, adoptions, estates and business ventures. Appearing in court as a liaison or witness for clients.
Navigating people through the course of their life, as they continue to go through stressful circumstances, dissecting events, to provide deeper meaning and understanding.
Bringing a healthier lifestyle physically with a new mindset to clients, especially those who have committed to do the ketogenic diet, working with other medical experts who monitor clients.
Changing the mindsets of one person in a family, changes the entire family. Many individuals who are not clients have been indirectly transformed.
Results may vary from one client to another. Robin is not a medical professional and does not give any medical advice nor prescribe the sue of any technique to replace any form of treatment for physical, mental or medical problems that are to be given by a doctor. Robin’s goal is to provide many tools for her clients that include information as well as instruction when needed, so that they reach their intended goals in becoming the best version of who they want to be.