Book Coaching
Mindfulness the Mind of Christ
Presently email me at: robin@Godsfirewall.com
Sessions are $10 each with 2 to 3 per chapter of Zoom Video Recordings.
Look below for information and testimonies.
Book Coaching for Mindfulness the Mind of Christ is to aid the reader throughout the book, unpacking each chapter with additional teachings to expound on the topic of Mindfulness a whole other level. The sessions will be on a recorded Zoom video, where participants can watch the video as many times as they like.
Mindfulness the Mind of Christ is about the consecration of the body, focusing largely on the G Protein-Coupled Receptor. Robin depicts in greater depth the physiology, physics and chemistry of the body, along with scriptures.
Sessions are only $10. Below are testimonies of those who have experienced success. Contact Robin at robin@Godsfirewall.com for more information.
There are anywhere from 2 to 3 sessions a chapter.
Below are two videos that provide you with an example of Book Coaching.
“The most valuable help God has sent me next to Christ Jesus is Robin Kirby-Gatto!
She has patiently and lovingly coached me on how to unpack & uproot hindering issues that were deeply buried in my soul.
Now I am diving “body” first into her book “MINDFULNESS”, The Mind of Christ! Shortly into chapter 2, I knew I wanted my husband, who is not a reader to hear this. We read aloud a few pages at a time and then process what we’ve just read. We also do book coaching and apply the ancient technique found in chapter 6. The last 33 years of our marriage we struggled with communicating our feelings and instead became easily offended when we miscommunicated. In a few short weeks since reading and applying the technique we have been communicating better, becoming less irritated with one another and are more mindful of our words. In my 52 years Robin is the only person I have met that walks In the call of Isaiah 61:1 anointed to set the captives free.” Margaret Pearl Holt
“Robin I just got finished with this book coaching session and it is by far the most phenomenal one you have done. It is bringing me a greater understanding of what consecration is and it clearly draws the line between a nominal so called Christian and a true follower of Jesus Christ which in this hour God is separating the clean from the unclean! This is such a timely teaching of the true Word of God! I praise God for you Robin for being a forerunner in this teaching of consecration which is attainable to anyone who desires it!” Sue Galey
“I was just doing my journal for the night and realized that today. I have for the most part controlled my emotions of anger. I’ve really had no emotional outbursts of anger and frustration. It’s like they are under the surface still, and I’m AWARE they are there and wanting to come up and out, but I am seeing more control!! I know I have a ways to go, but can already see the progress and I’m happy about that! I read chapter 4 today and listened to session 7 again. It’s so rich and I’m absorbing a little at a time. I love how you say consecration is a process and that we are in a PROCESS of PROGRESS!!!” Katie Higham