Balance #3 The Tongue of Strife!

Do you have ungodly judgments and the tongue of strife in you?
Balance # 3

Saints of God, as we're in the month of September, God has me writing about and doing teachings on Balance. One of the things I want to address today, is the "need to judge others," stemming from the basis of the soul's expression of the "BLAME GAME." The reason the soul does this blaming, is because it is stuck in the predicament of oppression under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in an area that hasn't been healed.

Blame means "to assign responsibility for fault or wrong," and comes from the ecclesiastical Latin blasphamere meaning "reproach, revile, and blaspheme." The Isaiah 54 barren woman, knew this, where in Isaiah 54:4, the Lord spoke that she would no longer remember the reproach of widowhood and shame. Reproach represents the shame of the enemy against the soul.

For the last two days, I've been doing videos on CRITICAL TONGUES. God has clearly shown that we're to stay away from people that have critical tongues because it keeps us from hearing God. I shared this in my note on August 28th, EYES OPENED, about Job in his trial, with the three friends who are doing nothing but criticizing him.

I did a note yesterday "GET OUT OF CRISIS," showing that a critical tongue that speaks to your soul, keeps you in crisis mode, existing from one crisis to another. God cut off the critical tongues in my life, through rejection, and I couldn't be happier; as He showed me it was His favor and protection, to get them away from me.

I've experienced this in life, when at times, people want to point fingers at me and blame me, putting shame upon me, criticizing me. God said that, as with Job, the critical tongues steered him away from his friendship with God, because the noise of criticism against him was so loud, most likely because of his children partying all the time, where others judged him, that it drew his attention, putting him under works, where he could never pray enough, fast enough, and seek God enough.

God had me do the acronym for CRISIS as CULTIVATING A REALITY INSINUATING SHAME IS! Both cultivate and insinuate have ATE at the end. God showed me that the word cultivate comes from the primary word CULT. He gave me a vision that people were fettered to chairs, sitting at a table eating condemnation! A religious cult will do that, keep you bound under the law, unable to walk in the power of grace, by using the blame game, the Word as condemnation.

God showed me IN-SIN-U-ATE, represents the adversaries lies against you. Insinuate comes from "early 16th century (in the sense ‘enter (a document) on the official register’): from Latin insinuat- ‘introduced tortuously’, from the verb insinuare, from in- ‘in’ + sinuare ‘to curve’."

DO YOU SEE THIS? The devil wants to get a document, official register, THE WORD and put it against you, curving and twisting it, to flog you! He wants you to eat his meal that you're in sin! The devil is TORTURING US WITH THE WORD OF GOD!

When you're under the tree of I am good, I am evil (bad), the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you project your believed badness onto others through ungodly judgments.

Listen, last night I posted a picture of the Tesla Truck, and I had to delete comments, because people began saying things about people that bought those vehicles. It was bad enough that people were passionate about how ugly it was to them.

God brought to mind, if there was a disabled person in our midst, missing limbs, we wouldn't say, "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU'RE UGLY."


What's crazy is that people felt free to say whatever and judge people who bought these vehicles, on a photo, where they wanted to get the badness of their own soul out, judging people. I see why people don't come to church, because there is so much going on, where all they feel is THE TONGUE OF STRIFE COMING AGAINST THEM!

I will do the physics on this tongue today, and have written about it in a workbook in 2013, titling it THE TONGUE OF SATAN for this section.

19 Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear, revere, and worship You, goodness which You have wrought for those who trust and take refuge in You before the sons of men! 20 In the secret place of Your presence You hide them from the plots of men; You keep them secretly in Your pavilion from the strife of tongues. 21 Blessed be the Lord! For He has shown me His marvelous loving favor when I was beset as in a besieged city. PSALM 31:19-21 AMPC

This word for STRIFE, referring to the tongues of strife, is the Hebrew word RIB pronounced REEB and means controversy, adversary and strife. (Strong's Concordance Hebrew word # 7379. Isn't that crazy! Years ago, I had a dream, where I wrote about Leviathan, and in the dream, I was showing my ribs, and now it makes sense; ALL THE PEOPLE HAD TONGUES OF STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE FULL OF HELL!!!!!! VENOM, VIPERS!!!!!

I will post it in comments.

The three Hebrew letters are Resh, Yood, and Bet. Resh is the ancient symbol of a man's face meaning, "head, highest, and person." Yood is an arm at work meaning, "works, make, and deed." Finally, Bet is a symbol of a tent meaning, TENT, house, household and family. The word picture of strife is YOUR PERSON IS IN THE HOUSE OF WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS ANOTHER GOSPEL, NOT THE TRUE JESUS GOSPEL, WHICH IS GRACE!!!

Isaiah 54:17, says we can condemn the tongue of judgment that is one of strife, coming after us.

Saints, I've been sounding the alarm that THE WORLD IS IN THE CHURCH, AND MOSTLY IN PEOPLE FULL OF PRIDE, WHO THINK THEY'RE HOLY AND NOT!!!! John Mulinde knew this well, when Jesus visited him and told him, that if He came today, He wouldn't take John; he was full of iniquity.

Saints, we don't tremble, to think that we put our mouth against someone, we're putting it against God's image.

People thought Jesus was weird, and didn't like Him, but thank God, He came to save us! Saints, examine your heart and see if there be any wicked way in you, in fasting and prayer, by looking at your thoughts and emotions about others.

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


Balance #4 A Well-Balanced Mind


Balance # 2 GET OUT OF CRISIS!