Be still

Saints, the Love of God turns mankind to repentance. The greatest thing you can do in this life is to love someone with the heart of God to let them know they're seen by Him. This power of God's love causes them to fill covered like the adulterous woman at the feet of Jesus. Many wanted to cast stones at her, but Jesus wrote something so powerful in the sand, and declared "he, who is without sin cast the first stone."

His actions and words penetrated the hearts of those who judged her, and it stopped them in their tracks. He looked at Mary Magdalene and then spoke to her, asking her where were those left to accuse her. She was stunned and overwhelmed, undone by His love, unable to answer. His reply came forth, "Neither do I judge you."(See John 8:1-13) Jesus came to save the world not to condemn it.

The repelling judgments of the accuser of the brethren dwell in the hearts and minds of those who are still living in some sort of sin, and in order to turn the volume down on their "badness," which is a false reality of satan's lies, they put others down, to make themselves feel good. This is an unconscious process and merely the soul's ache to get out of feeling condemned and guilty. If you're feeling condemned you might unconsciously be judging others to make yourself feel better. I get into this extensively and exhaustively in my new book, "The Forbidden Fruit of the Spiritual Disease," as God has me teach on the cure, which is walking in Eternal Life.

Many live in bitterness and don't walk in the power of Eternal life, because they're feeding the flame of the carnal nature. You choose each moment, which fire you're going to put wood on. Either Eternal Life's flame or Gehenna's tongue (hell). (See James 3:4-10) Saints, when you judge others from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which you need to be pruned off, you're doing the work of the accuser.

When you dwell on how others have hurt you, you're doing the work of the accuser. You're spotlighting their failures and condemning them. As a result, your own heart is condemning you. Repent of any judgments and break agreement with the accuser. Pray for others, see the best in them, and seek to love! Love sees the best! (See 1 Corinthians 13:7) Which fire are you going to put wood on? God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto


Insecurity breeds contempt


Dust off the mirrors