Everything is not a crisis

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As this saying kept rolling over and over in my heart and mind, “Everything is not a crisis,” God prompted me to write this note.

We are born into a fallen world, where everything around us is in crisis, because of the ongoing clash between Light and darkness/ good and evil. This battle has ensued since the seed of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was made known to mankind in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve’s self-image reconfigured unto the bondage of darkness, where death took its toll, on the body, soul and spirit. Since that time, mankind would be caught in the confrontation between God and satan, disabled in the self-image, contagious to the uncleanness of hell.

Uncleanness is the radio wave in receiving satan’s messages, which overtakes us if we aren’t prepared. Drop by drop, he leaves breadcrumbs to the chambers of the delusions of demonic strongholds; the hypnotic state of a false reality of fear, anticipating that we will pick them up and enter into his lair of lies. This hypnosis is the crisis of mankind.

Crisis is “an intense time of difficulty, trouble or danger.” It is a tipping point of a person’s soul, where they have to make a decision. Indecisiveness is irrelevant, because it is still a decision not to decide, to leave the task to fate; it is doubt and unbelief. Crisis comes from the Greek word krinein, meaning “decide.” However, this is the thing. This decision is not your normal run of the mill decision, “what clothes to wear; what shoes to put on; who to call first; do you want coffee and if so, what do you want in it.”

Rather decision here in a crisis, is one that will forever affect a person’s life that, whichever decision they make will leave a lasting impression. This is what the Jews experienced right before the Holocaust. Many were offered departure from Germany before things escalated, but instead they did not see the CRISIS, and tip toed around the decision, deciding not to decide. After that one moment, when the line was drawn in the sand, they discovered their decision would forever altar not only their life but their lineage, as future generations were cut off.

The anomalous thing with crisis, is that it can work for your good as well as against you. If you are awake to the decision that needs to be made, then you see the door of opportunity, the decision you have made, which has opened up another plethora of possibilities you never saw coming. Roads are rerouted, newness springs forth, your eyes are open to perceive it, and the crisis becomes a thesis!

A thesis is research one has undertaken to substantiate a specific view, a concept which has become their truth. Where the heart is no longer uncertain or caught up in a mind game, but rather given over to the study of that which will feed the soul, yielding growth and maturity in a person’s state of mind, to find favor with a belief, a thought which has an emotional experience, compelling them to shout from the roof tops, what is inside of their belly.

Step by step, those who saw the door of departure from the coming crisis, saw the opportunity of a new viewpoint, and exited out of the fallen state of mankind caught up in the greatest darkness, while the thesis within their soul took them to flight in the rhapsody of the Light!

This beautiful display of the glory of God revealed in mankind, that we have been created to create, we have been given vision to see, not in our reality, but in our giftedness, where we realize we are a thesis given to this earth, to bring goodness and light, resisting that which is unclean.

This is where we learn everything is not a crisis. Our minds have been continually prepared and set in crisis mode, where we jump at everything, use demonstrative behavior, hand motions, flailing our arms all around, as if our body was a bugle to let everyone know SOMETHING IS WRONG.

The only thing about the second route in seeing everything as a crisis is that, we never get out of the mind games of satan and become his pawn to make other people focus only on the crisis at hand. Traumatizing them on every end, where they retreat only to accept the self-image’s defeat. They are disabled under the delusion to be tethered to the next supposed crisis that is to creep up, which we will come to find out will be one continuous crisis after another. This is the life in which we have been born, with stressed out parents who are raising children in a stressed-out world, trying to earn a dollar. This is the program of darkness, to keep us in crisis!

But there is an exit!

Oh, where could this awesome exit be you might ask? According to the prophet Hosea, it was in the valley of crisis, of trouble, that a door of opportunity, a thesis of hope opened up to God’s people.

14 “Therefore, behold, I will allure her [Israel] and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart. 15 There I will give her, her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.” Hosea 2:14-15 AMPC

The wilderness here is a moment of crisis. Wilderness in Hebrew comes from the root word dabar which means “to speak.” In the time of crisis, we can DECIDE on the voice we listen to. We can choose to listen to the voice that causes our self-image to soar out of bondage and into freedom, hope! Achor means trouble in Hebrew. In the valley of trouble there is a door of hope, expectation! There is a THESIS, waiting to blossom.

The enemy wants you to live a lifestyle of crisis. You have to resist and enter God’s rest, not giving into the temptation to emotionally be caught into the hype of this false flag that is occurring now, keeping you in state of chronic stress and chronic crisis. Resist the puppet strings that have been attached to you and watch them fall off, as you enter into a Thesis of a New Season of Promise, knowing God will bring you into your greatest hour! The persecution is real, but so is God’s glory!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


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