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The Grappling of the Soul


The mind-body connection isn’t easy to grasp. Many books have been written on this issue to aid others in the knowledge of it, one of which is my latest book, “Mindfulness the Mind of Christ.”

With this said, I’m certain that the order in which we’ve set this whole theme, has further disabled us. It’s the Body-Mind connection, not the mind-body connection.

Whatever we put first, is the order of importance we give a matter. The fact that we call the topic the mind-body connection verifies that we put more importance on the brain getting things right, when it’s the body getting things right. The problem is that the brain has kept the body in a prison, treating it as the black sheep of the family. Therefore, the body thinks it cannot behave and allows the brain to tell it what to do.

Let me just say: THIS IS MESSED UP! Moreover, this is why we’re messed up. We’ve allowed the brain to be in control of everything, unaware that our body has all the dynamic ability and potential to be great and lead us into an unlimited future.

The whole concept of Body-Mind is difficult, stretching, a grappling of the soul, leading us down an awkward path we’ve not been, but is necessary. Trust that your body will know what to do when it’s consecrated by the Truth of the Word, which I get into detail about in my new book, at the G Protein Coupled Receptor.

Get ready because we’re going on a ride!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto



Book Coaching


Mindfulness the Mind of Christ