Guard against worldliness and walk in the Freedom of the Truth!

Saints, the power of God to deliver to the uttermost is SUFFICIENT! The strength of the Holy Spirit brings freedom, as you are lifted into the Grace of Christ Jesus, knowing the power of the Truth, which sets you free!

Many are bound up in their insufficiencies because they live in the emotional brain due to past trauma, stuck in the theater of how bad they are. This is of the enemy's doing, as the condemner accuses you in a mock trial. The adversary pulls upon your past traumas in your subconscious, tasering you with terror, fear, abandonment and feeling unloved, cloaking you in shame.

Thanks be to God, Christ Jesus through His undisturbed peace sets us free from condemnation, as we are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb! GLORY TO GOD!

In my new book "The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease," God clearly unpacks the world consciousness where satan is prince of the airwaves, which pulls upon your past traumas, getting you to medicate yourself with worldliness, where you end up backsliding.

This is why trauma has to be addressed, just like sin is addressed. Sin is confessed, and likewise, past trauma that hasn't been released hasn't been confessed. As a result, it accumulates in the body, to the point that you are a walking wound.

You have to go through the process of working out your salvation in fear and in trembling. (Philippians 2:12) In becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, and knowing the Word of Truth, the body's feelings that have been hidden, are unhindered to where the mind and body connect through consecration to register the fact that "you've been traumatized." This is acceptance and the beginning of healing, as the grief of the body fades away, and perceives events accurately, not about people, but simply the works of hell that have come against you. This power of acceptance moves you forward in the Truth of God, where you are set free by knowing the Truth! (John 8:32)

It is not about how others have hurt you, because that all fades away and becomes an event that can be dealt with, as you completely forgive others.

My individual clients, who are consistent, have been experiencing revival continually, because the past traumas have come up and out, and their entire perception has been changed! They've been walking in the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit!

Saints, freedom is here, and revival is here daily, for those who perceive the Kingdom of Heaven and seize it! When we perceive the knowledge of God's glory that covers the earth, we receive God's thoughts that are present right now, and have always been here, as He has continual thoughts toward you, even before you were born! The ability to perceive the thoughts of God brings you into the consciousness of Who He is in the power of His Word, as you think in your heart His very thoughts, being cloaked in it like Joseph's coat of many colors, TO LIVE IT!


God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


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