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The mind, an inquisitive faculty, is constantly guiding us down a trail like Hansel and Gretel, looking for breadcrumbs to a space that we perceive as a landing spot for our emotions with the initial perception of being safe. However, without realizing it, we can be deceived by an event and get into a tailspin of discombobulation, handicapping us in our present ability to move forward, which in time works to our good.

Emotions can be misleading and keep us from perceiving truth debilitating us to move forward into our destiny. In my new book, Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ, Living a Meditated Life, I go into great detail about this issue.

We have a backwards mindset in the western world, seeing that change comes from the mind down to the emotions, when instead it is vice-versa.

People are continually trying to make some transformative process in their self-image, becoming a better version of themselves. Nevertheless, if we don’t get control over our emotions first, the mental change will not stick, and instead we will be like Hansel and Gretel going to a house of sweets believing its a safe place, a space for our soul’s expression, when instead it is a trap.

If we do not get out of our emotional trap of rejection we can never live a limitless life or be who we want.

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel, published in 1812, was written by the Brothers Grimm originating as a German folklore. They children live in medieval Germany at a time when a famine comes across the land. Their stepmother wants them to fend for themselves out in the woods, fearing she and their father (a woodcutter) would starve. Although Hansel and Gretel’s father resisted his wife at first, they overhear him give into their stepmother’s plan. At this time, Hansel runs out of the house gathering white pebbles and returns assuring his sister that God will not forsake them. The father takes them out into the woods and Hansel lays the pebbles intricately on the ground, where the two children later return back to their father who is overjoyed initially upon their return.

Famine hits a second time and this time the stepmother insists they take the kids out to the deep part of the woods again, locking Hansel and Gretel out for good so they cannot get pebbles. However, Hansel takes the small piece of bread, sprinkling crumbs along the path thinking that will lead them back home. Birds come along and eat the breadcrumbs and the children are unable to find their way home. Instead, they end up at a house in the woods constructed with all kinds of sweets.

After they eat the sweets on the structure of the house, a witch comes out pretending to be a sweet old lady, inviting them in to a meal. Upon entry they become her prisoners and she makes them her slaves. She feeds them and fattens them up, planning on a time in which she might eat them. Long story short, the witch falls in her own trap when outwitted by Gretel, who then frees her brother from the cage he had been locked, where the two escape to back home, and find the evil stepmother has passed, and live happily ever after with their Father.

What might you say is this in relation to our emotions?

The two of these children were caught in a deleterious situation, where the stepmother’s influence over the father, could have made them feel rejected. The famine represents the lack of a WORD of truth; as well as good thoughts towards the future (hope). When our emotions are in a famine of hope and caught up in rejection we are unable to perceive our true identity.

Every word and thought in our mind is attached to an image (memory). Disapproval and disappointment will always try and chase you down somewhere in life to sit you in a false reality, symbolized by the witch’s cottage made of sweets. You will tolerate unsafe circumstances and people in order to get what you perceive your self-image needs, which is a WORD OF WHO YOU ARE!

Subconsciously we are hungry for the truth of our identity. That is what Hansel and Gretel represent.

What seems attractive at first, can become the den of our denial, and in its trap we believe that nothing good will happen to or for us. Our self-image stays in the current of rejection’s voice unable to find its way home. Circumstances we thought were to benefit us, instead show us that we have to be careful of who or what word we trust. The children couldn’t trust anyone except one another; their father was under the strong influence of fear through his wife, based on what he perceived in his own self-image, which was lack. He lacked the reality of his own value.

This dangerous turn of events worked to the children’s good because on each turn they were presented with opportunity, and when they matured in their emotions, not led by the appetites of this world (their stomach) they were guided by an instinct untainted by rejection, and were able to return to a place of safety with their father, at which time they saw his freedom from the cage of fear’s voice.

They were now outside of their circumstances, as an outlier to all that they knew.


Outlier is defined as “a person or thing situated or detached from the main body or system.” Hansel and Gretel had become detached from the land, which was experiencing a famine of hope. Had they stayed in their circumstance, perceiving it as safe, while the stepmother was still there, they would have become like their father, full of fear, unable to perceive the reality of goodness they were called too.

Moreover, it revealed the hypnotic state through the witchcraft of the sweets of the world, which lured them to sleep in a false reality, keeping them prisoner. This is the case with many people; they are asleep to the greatness of who they were destined to be, because their emotions subconsciously scream to them, they are rejected.

Hansel knew that God would not forsake them, and did not find his identity through man’s opinion but the Truth of the WORD, the internal BREAD, LIFE! Although the bread was eaten by the birds, the breadcrumbs he had were life, which became the trail of hope home, where he knew something greater existed for he and his sister.

The witch’s sweets represented the false bread, the false word, which would entice you into a prison, words of which devour those whom it inhabits.

It took the trial to show him the opportunity (wake up call) regarding the system of fear and the sweets of life that put others to sleep. He and his sister could enter the place of greatness with a Wisdom from above that opened the prison doors to lead them to a space where their soul could be expressed! They were meant for greatness! THEIR WIT AND THE OPPORTUNITY to seize their freedom occurred, when they comprehended WHO THEY WERE!

Gretel’s wit in tricking the witch to get into the pot instead, was the door of opportunity. Hansel and Gretel’s return to their father’s house, who was now set free of fear was the door of opportunity. IT WAS THE OPPORTUNITY OF THE AWARENESS OF WHO THEY WERE, their self-image!!!!

In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell writes this:

“Outliers are those who have been given opportunities and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.” Malcolm Gladwell

Its here where, Hansel and Gretel became an outlier to the rejection and fear of the present system, leaving the place of hopelessness, where they woke up to the emotions of their true-self, and seized their opportunity in life. They had the strength of their emotions and the presence of mind to seize their future!

Hansel means “gift of God,” and Gretel means “pearl.” When you find the meaning of who you were really created to be, YOU FIND THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, WHICH IS, YOU ARE A GIFT OF GOD! We are Out of the Lie of the old system and into the truth of God’s Word!

45 Again the kingdom of heaven is like a man who is a dealer in search of fine and precious pearls, 46 Who, on finding a single pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46 AMPC

God bless you!

Robin Kirby-Gatto

P.S. Don’t forget I’m doing group coaching for only $15 per session every other week! Next session is Hormones or Hard Moans! :D You can get recording of session as well!


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