
Saints of God,

With all that's going on in this present age, the enemy is distracting many to feel as though they're in this pressurized cooker mentally and emotionally, giving rise to anxiety. Resist this attempt of the enemy's snare, to be caught up in the things of life that happen, which would distract you from the race of faith!

Keep your eyes on Christ Jesus, and JUST BREATHE!

When we see the word selah in scripture, especially in the Psalms, it means to reflect on something by taking a pause in life. David knew this well, and had many opportunities before He was king to do this very thing.

The trials, which were meant to mature him in spirit, put him in a place where he had no other choice but to PAUSE!

God gave me an acronym for PAUSE, the Power Attained Underpinned by Salvation from Eternity.

We try and address our problems through our soul that is pressurized and don't realize, we are clueless to the Kingdom of Heaven around us. Thus, many times we're allowed to be in circumstances that force us to PAUSE. It's then we discover the Power of God, which we then attain, knowing that it is underpinned through our salvation, bringing us eternity, the Kingdom of Heaven!

Don't be stressed or overwhelmed at your present circumstances. Simply look at it as opportunity to PAUSE, and realize the greatness of God in your life!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


You did your best!


God is bigger than a number!