The domino effect!

Saints of God, the goodness of God is ever towards you, giving you hope and courage to do that which He has for you each day. God crowns us with tender mercies every day, and those mercies are the supply of strength and ability to do not only large tasks but small tasks, as well.

Every little thing we do has a domino effect on the lives of others, whether we realize it or not. A kind word, a not-so-kind word, a good thought of someone, a not-so-good thought. They all have effects on our lives and those of others.

God reveals in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that love believes the best. Love believes the best about others, although at times our flesh wants to see the negative. We have to understand that every soul is working out its salvation in Christ Jesus, as our brothers and sisters in Christ, enter into the fullness of what Jesus Christ has done.

As I've been studying this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it opened my eyes to myself, as well as others, in relation to each person's perspective.

God has revealed to me that the effects of sin are the impression of trauma, which I discuss heavily in my new book, "The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease." The acronym God gave me for TRAUMAS, is Terror, Rejection, Abandonment, and Unloved Massively Announcing Shame.

God knows our fragility, which is why Jesus tells us to forgive one another and to walk in love, loving others as we love ourselves. Trauma makes it difficult to love self, so there has to be healing. The effects of trauma cause us to be our own worst enemy, as we become hypervigilant, paranoid, and defensive, offended at every little thing.

We have to be mindful of when we're walking in the effects of sin with the impression of trauma on the soul, in order to be healed of sin's effects. The power of the Word of Truth can heal us from all spiritual dis-ease, which sin, and it's effects of trauma, are removed completely.

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

10 Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant].

11 [My] brethren, do not speak evil about or accuse one another. He that maligns a brother or judges his brother is maligning and criticizing the Law and judging the Law. But if you judge the Law, you are not a practicer of the Law but a censor and judge [of it].

12 One only is the Lawgiver and Judge Who is able to save and to destroy [the One Who has the absolute power of life and death]. [But you] who are you that [you presume to] pass judgment on your neighbor? JAMES 4:10-12 AMPC


It is time!


Make room