The gift of goodbye!

Saints of God, the Father woke me up at 11:45, speaking to me about something, had me praying and then confirmed it in a dream. He wanted me to encourage some of you that as we end this year and move into the next that there is a transition some of you need to make, in letting go of others, the Gift of Goodbye, in order to not allow the distractions of the enemy to detour you in the Call of God for your life.

God spoke to me about certain people and reminded me of what I knew well in 2007, when many were contacting me by phone or message to let me know what a bad person I was. In that time, I truly felt I was in the darkest pit, and only by the Grace of God, did the power of Holy Spirit lift me out of it, and tell those who were messaging me that next time they began to say negative things about me, putting me down they would hear a click on the other side of the line. The anointing came upon me to destroy the yoke of other's opinions.

God then spoke to me last night and He showed me the torment and vexation of soul I experienced around those who were not for me, and spoke evil of me. He told me "Robin you will never measure up in their eyes, you will never be good enough, because their soul is lacking. They hate themselves." God then showed me how unknowingly I had looked to impress these people, and desired their approval.

God then told me that I was to say goodbye to these people in my life, in that they might be in my life but not a part of it. I would shake the dust off of my feet, of their thoughts, disillusions, and pride, and not allow it to cling to my person. God then said that they had made me the scapegoat of their soul, because of the subconscious narrative they were clueless to of self-hatred, where they tended to project that negative influence off onto me. God said that they had made me the scapegoat and that Jezebel was working in their midst controlling them, along with the spirit of Python (divination), which was bringing divisive words against me, amongst these people, and that it was Isaiah 59, where they had a spider's web of communication of the spirit of Leviathan, thinking they heard the Lord God, when in fact it was satan, the accuser, the slanderer.

God then said their feet are swift to shed innocent blood, and told me that He was setting me free of their opinions by giving me the gift of goodbye, where I shut the door, and NO LONGER DESIRE RELATIONSHIP with them. Their frequencies of self-hatred, making me the scapegoat, picking out faults, constantly thinking I'm not good enough, I'm not pretty enough, I'm a bad person, was trying to pull me into a pit of hell, where the tongue of satan operated in them against me. God said, NO MORE ABUSE!

He said they were emotionally, mentally and spiritually abusive and He wouldn't tolerate their mistreatment of me, and gave me a holy fervor to no longer desire relationship with them, but shake the dust from my feet. He said, that He had given them time to repent but they wouldn't. He then told me I wouldn't have to stay around and wait for their change, but to say goodbye and let God deal with them, vengeance is the Lord's. God told me to share this today because some of you reading this need that same Gift of Goodbye, to shut the door on relationships that aren't only unprosperous but are divisive and deleterious to your self-image; they're toxic to the core.

God said to tell you that they will never accept you, and you are already accepted in the Beloved, and that's the only place you need acceptance. He said to tell you in their eyes you'll never be good enough, and they will always find fault and to let you know that although these people might be in your life, they don't have to be a part of it! Saints, some of you will be set free when you say Goodbye and shut the door to caring whether or not people will ever accept you. Moreover, to not seek to impress anyone, much less those who have been of the torment of the pit of hell against your soul. You will know these, because you are in utter torment by their discourse and in their presence.

Know that God is revealing they're two-faced and are not for you, and have sinned by speaking evil of you, murdering you. He says BE AT PEACE AND MOVE ON! HE SAYS IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT YOU! ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT GOD THINKS! The dream God gave me last night was powerful, confirming this. I had such a peace and let these type of people go and no longer care for their presence in my life, I love them and pray for them and bless them, but don't have to be a part of them.

The dream God showed me was these people pretending to work in a doctor's office, and the nurses were warning me that these people were writing things on my medical chart that I didn't know, speaking evil about me. God then told me that their words were affecting me and I had to sever relationship with them, where although I might see them, I don't have to receive them. They're no longer a part of my life. Just as we are in the world and not of it, it is the same thing. Be expectant and hopeful that some of the issue with your body could be that you have those in your life who aren't for you and you've accepted them to be a part of your life. You need to shut the door and say goodbye!


Robin Kirby Gatto


When you’re carrying change it can be heavy!


Enter a different time zone!