The self-image grounded

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The Self-Image Grounded


Grounded is a word we hear often in different contexts. As a result, we see grounded has a multiplicity of use.

Grounded can mean, “well-balanced and sensible, a plane that is prohibited from flying, the teaching of a firm theoretical or practical basis, a batter hitting a ball, as well as connecting an electrical device to the ground.”

When the term grounded is employed, it gives one the analogy that some-thing is anchored upon another source. The source upon which a thing is anchored, is supplied the strength through this connection. It is no different for us, as it relates to our self-image. Whether we realize it or not, the self-image is drawing strength from either a good or negative source, as it relates to who we believe we are.

Whatever source we draw from, gives assertion to the narrative that is in line with it, feeding our soul with a specific mental program. Thus, if the source is negative, strength will be given to subconscious memories that have destructive emotions, belittling us, as we feel unvalued, unloved and deficient. On the other hand, if the source is positive, strength will be given to subconscious memories that are growth oriented, helpful, constructive, and life giving, where we will feel important, valued and loved.

You can only love others as you love yourself. This is why being grounded is so important.

Another newer avenue, as it relates to be grounded, is what is known as Earthing, where one is barefoot outside. For those who have not heard of this therapeutic phenomenon, it allows the electrons that are in the earth to enter your body via the skin, so that you are provided strength, and is one of the most aggressive ways in fighting free radicals. The testimonies I have seen online and from people I know personally are astounding.

An individual I coach has for years had kidney issues and ends up having several surgeries a year for her kidney stones. Her insurance lapsed during 2020 and she could not afford the surgery. After I shared grounding/earthing, she put it into action and in a short time, passed three large kidney stones, the ones for which she needed surgery. This blew my mind, as well as others I know, who have reported great health outcomes.

For those who know me, you are familiar with my teachings of scripture from the Word of God, with physics, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, mathematics and biology. I am absolutely intrigued on how things work, because as Romans 1:20 reveals, it makes the scripture of Who God is, come alive!

God introduced me to Keto in July of 2016, telling me the name of the lifestyle diet I had never heard. He then told me about plastics in 2018 and instructed me to take DIM and get rid of as many plastics as possible. I have been very good in guarding my health with keto and avoiding plastics. However, no matter how good I have been, a health issue showed up in my breasts in September of this year, which led to surgical removal of a suspicious lump. Thank God it was benign.

It was this surgery that made me all the more aware of my personal health. Right after the surgery, God brought grounding/being grounded into my life. I purchased earthing shoes for everyone in my family, my sons, daughter in grace, husband, and parents. I care about all of their health and quality of life, so therefore I am proactive in introducing them to life-saving habits that are preventive measures for one’s health.

Immediately after I first grounded, it was the same feeling I have after being at the beach all weekend. The crazy thing is, I just grounded 45 minutes! Then I realized, the reason you feel so good at the beach is because you are barefoot on the sand, you are grounded.

Rich and I go to a local park where I do my regular grounding, and he too noticed an immediate difference, which for him is short of a miracle; he never feels anything.

Continually throughout this short time that I have implemented grounding in my life, I was seeking to understand God on a greater scale, through scripture and my new preventive care method. Immediately last week, God brought the scripture from Ephesians 3:17 into my person. I love Ephesians 3:16-20 and have written and taught on it many times.

16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! MAY YOU BE ROOTED DEEP IN LOVE AND FOUNDED SECURELY ON LOVE,

18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];

19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, [e]through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!

20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]— Ephesians 3:16-20 AMPC

The word “founded” in Ephesians 3:17 is the Greek word themelióō pronounced them-el-ee-o'-o meaning, “to lay a basis, lay the foundation, GROUND, and settle.” The King James Version translation has the word “grounded” instead of founded. (Strong’s Concordance Greek Word # 2311)

When we look at Ephesians 3:16-20, we see the employment of the strength of God to the soul, reinforcing the inner man with mighty power. The way we are strengthened within is by being GROUNDED in love. This love causes us to have understanding of an EXPERIENCE, and not just mere knowledge. Knowledge without experience is information, but knowledge with experience is BELIEF, which is power! You move into your destiny based on what you believe.

As I thought about the roots of a tree, which I have written about in detail with oak trees, in my last book, Rev 22:2, I could not help but think of how many times in scripture we are compared to trees. Moreover, God used the dirt of the earth to create and form man, as He breathed life into Adam.

The Electrons of the Sun are in the Dirt!

My thoughts kept wondering back to grounding in the natural, and how the electrons in the earth bring homeostasis, decreasing inflammation, fighting free radicals, and causing me to feel as though I have bathed in an ocean. It is pure relaxation and surreal; tranquil.

I have an EXPERIENCE from the electrons, not just coursing through my feet, into my body, but also into my brain. My entire person is being affected! This is what we see with Ephesians 3:16-20. That when you are affected by love in your inner man, through Christ Jesus, and He is your foundation, you are grounded and founded upon Him. As a result, you have the availability of that source, which then strengthens your SELF-IMAGE! Because you are plugged into, grounded, into that source, you are supplied with a strength beyond yourself, which then causes you to see the fruit of it in your life, as it reaches beyond what you can imagine and think!

This life merely reflects who you believe you are.

As an oak tree is grounded in the dirt, receiving nourishment, it is similar to us being grounded to the earth receiving the electrons given to it from the SUN! As I have taught on electrons since 2013 with scripture, I did a wordplay with it meaning THE ELECT RUN! Strength comes to us when we know we are loved; we are enabled to do what we were designed to do in this life, to reflect God’s love.

Therefore, ask yourself, in what source you are grounded? Where do you get your strength?

If you are having issues with displaying unlovely behaviors, and living a life of negativity, it is like you are swimming in a pool of acid or sitting in a dump of toxicity. Change your mind set on where you draw your strength and watch God!

God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto

Email me at to join in on group coaching, and I will send info!

Here is link to the Earthing Movie. I am a strong Christian and realize there is some sprinkling of new age in here from other people’s beliefs, but I am presenting this for THE SCIENCE ONLY of how this works.




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