A new time!

Saints there is a massive sifting in the spirit right now in relation to your mind, that which the enemy has harassed you with throughout life, and you have to hold onto Christ, hold onto Faith!

I've not seen an assault like this in many years to this degree, and it's the timing of the year and our approach to the Feast of Trumpets in the middle of September. There will be a great transition then, as God causes us to enter the open door that's set before us.

Peter knew this as he was being sifted in Luke 22:31-33, where Jesus had prayed for him that once he returned, he would strengthen the brethren.

In the present assault, the enemy is whispering his lies to make you feel bad and that you're not qualified to move forward in the call. THIS IS A TEST! Joseph, Daniel, David, Esther, Paul, Peter, and more.

You have to know this is a test!

The enemy wants you to give up, lay down, shrink back, and turn around. YOU MUST KNOW THIS IS A TEST AND BE STRENGTHENED IN GOD'S WORD!

God is removing people that need to be moved out of your life presently and bringing you to an entirely new place of freedom, where you enter His plans, knowing that you're not rejected but protected! He knows the hearts of those who are not for you and have evil thoughts.

Those who have made you out to be evil in their own heart or to have wrong motives, have seen what they want to see, and God will not allow them to partake of the anointing that He's put on your life. They've been a hindrance and it is time to remove them, He says.

God is no respecter of persons, and He has allowed your faith to be tried, so that you know that you know WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS!

Things are changing shortly, and what once was your normal, will now fade away, as you enter into the extraordinary, seeing the supernatural display of God's favor in your life in every area.

Be expectant and hopeful, knowing that this test shall pass, and you will see the glory of God in your life!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Watch my morning video where I teach Isaiah 59:1-8 and Jeremiah 12:5-6 on Basilisk, which is a combination of Levithan and divination.


Getting back online with Heaven, Life Involved in the Nearness of Eternity


Clean hands and a pure heart