Getting back online with Heaven, Life Involved in the Nearness of Eternity

Saints of God, the Power of the Holy Spirit within you, revealing the Kingdom of Heaven, has authority to stop all of hell in its tracks!

"Establishing and strengthening the souls and the hearts of the disciples, urging and warning and encouraging them to stand firm in the faith, and [telling them] that it is through many hardships and tribulations WE MUST enter the kingdom of God." Acts 14:22 AMPC

Through many hardships we enter the Kingdom of God! Today, I begin "Chapter 4 The Fourth Dimension, the Kingdom of Heaven," in my new book, "The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease." I revealed the two Kingdoms (The Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of the world) in "Chapter 3 Revival Intention."

While driving yesterday, wouldn't you know I saw a personalized car tag KNGD3M for KINGDOM! The Lord just blessed my soul, as I felt Him smiling on my face, GLORY TO GOD, affirming the work He has me doing in my new book. I can tell you to get to this point, after writing the first 3 chapters that total over 174 pages, it has been amazing because all of hell broke loose against me. In this I rejoice, because as written in Acts 14:22, through many tribulations we enter the KINGDOM!

The number 14, in God's Fire Wall Healing of the Soul series, represents "Faithful," and for me 22, has always represented THE OPEN DOOR, ISAIAH 22:22. Mine and Rich's ministry from 2007-2015 was 22 IS 22 for that verse. Moreover, our wedding date is 12/22/2001, without the zeroes is 122221. Believe me, with our marriage we experienced the tribulation that came with a blended family, and working to press into God, to get the fruits of righteousness of His Love for our union, and it came! GLORY TO GOD!


Believe you me, with this present stretching of going through severe symptoms with perimenopause and getting my HRT (hormone replacement therapy), and being an extreme case, I have felt as though I was in hell banging on the door to get out. Desperate for relief and normalcy, I feel as though Iā€™m losing my mind with all the symptoms. It has only been the assurance of God's Word, my husband and son, that have made me feel normal. And the Lord spoke to me, "Robin, the warfare is on, because you are teaching on the KINGDOM!"

Listen Saints, someone here needs to hear this! You will be thought to be foolish, insane, unstable, and absolutely off your rocker when you get ready to enter the OPEN DOOR OF THE KINGDOM!

The apostles knew this well, as Paul had a messenger of satan sent in 2 Corinthians 12, to buffet his flesh, so he would remain humble while seeing a Kingdom that others couldn't understand! GLORY TO THE LIVING GOD!!!!!!!

YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS! PRAISE THE LIVING GOD!!!!! Others will think you are abnormal, because you will appear as though you are losing your mind, with all the warfare you're enduring to hold onto God's grace SO THAT YOU ENTER THE KINGDOM!

Get this!!!! OH, MY GOODNESS GLORY TO GOD!!! OH LORD JESUS PRAISE YOU!!!!! God told me to look up WE MUST in Acts 14:22, in regard to going through trials and tribulations to enter the Kingdom of God.

WE MUST in GREEK IS DEI PRONOUNCED DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT????????????????????????

WE MUST in Greek means "it is, it was, necessary, binding, be met, must, need, ought, etc." (Strong's Concordance Greek word # 1163)

Saints, we must die to self-ego!!! We must resist trying to defend ourselves when other persecute us because they don't see through the eyes of Christ and instead the world! We must allow it and turn our cheek, loving above all, so that WE ENTER THE KINGDOM WE SEE!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!


Be exceedingly glad when you're experiencing fiery trials at the testing of your faith, to enter the KINGDOM OF GOD!!!

God spoke to me doing the series, "Getting Back Online with Heaven," using the word LINE as an acronym LIFE INVOLVED IN THE NEARNESS OF ETERNITY!

Involved means to be engaged in a relationship, having an emotional experience, and comes from two Latin words in meaning "into" and volvere meaning "roll." God told me "Robin, you have to be "involved," and then you "revolve." Revolve comes from two Latin words mean to "roll again," and showed me the revolving door of John 10:9-10 where Jesus says those who enter the door will come and go out, finding pasture! We bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth! Those who are "involved" in the nearness of Eternity, have heaven revolving around them (surrounding them), and evolve! Evolve comes from two Latin words meaning "to roll out!" Heaven rolls out of those who go through trials tribulations, seeing the nearness of the KINGDOM! GLORY TO GOD!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


Preparing for Inspection


A new time!