Balance # 6

GLORY TO GOD!!!!! The month of September, God has me focusing on BALANCE, and I tell you saints, I never thought it would be how it has been so far! PRAISE GOD!

July was Swift Change, August was Regroup, and now September is Balance.

We started out this month with Returning to our First Love and the first works (Jesus and reading the Bible/prayer). The rest of the month has been on dealing with critical tongues, that have become our own voice, as well our own critical tongue and negative thoughts.

4 "For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, 5 [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), 6 Being in readiness to punish every [insubordinate for his] disobedience, when your own submission and obedience [as a church] are fully secured and complete." 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 AMPC

In teaching on the Critical Voices/Tongues of Strife, that can gain access within our soul, it can fetter us to a chair, where we then eat the Word of Truth through the palate of condemnation, resulting from the bitterness that begins to take root. You have to be ready to punish every evil thought and put it under submission to Christ Jesus, knowing the Word of Truth in the avenue of God's Love! PRAISE GOD!

I tell you what Saints, there is such a refreshing, a power on High that has come over me!!!! The weapons of our warfare aren't carnal, but for the overthrow and the destruction of strongholds!!!! PRAISE THE LIVING GOD!!!!

I've been experiencing an Open Heaven and having the most beloved sleep ever!!! If you've not watched my video series, I have a playlist on my YouTube Channel. I've done individual coaching sessions with some of my clients, and they're witnessing the same thing, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

We have to keep our heart pure, and our mouth from speaking evil. This is the fertile soil for the Kingdom of Heaven to show up in the life of a saint. (Psalm 24:3-5) This is the place where we become a drink offering of God's Love, refreshing the hearts and minds of others, as we've tasted of the Kingdom of Heaven, Praise God, knowing that God is for us! He will never leave us nor forsake us! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Job went through this immensely, facing the critical tongue of his own soul. As he became aware of that which was inside of his heart and mind, he woke up to a NEW BEGINNING, PRAISE GOD, HE WOKE UP TO GOD'S PLAN!!!!!!!! HIS BLESSING!!!!!!

Saints, you have to get this in your knower. You're not Jesus, you're not Holy Spirit, and most certainly you're not God. Therefore, let God be God and stop trying to do His job, in fixing everything. YOU CANNOT AND WILL NOT! LET GO AND LET GOD!!!!

Repent to the Lord for the mess you've made, which comes with being human, and don't listen to the voice of the accuser that would keep you at a whipping post, receiving the scourging flog of hell! RUN TO GOD'S THRONE OF GRACE!!!!! OBTAIN GOD'S MERCY!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN INTO HIS EVERLASTING ARMS!!!!!!!!!!! THERE'S LOVE WAITING TO BE POURED OUT UPON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday, I read Psalm 103 from the Amplified Classic on my morning video, and today in my Facebook Memories from 4 years ago, was a post of the entire Psalm! I was blown away!

Saints, wake up to God's blessings, to grace, to mercy, to truth, to LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Psalm 103
[A Psalm] of David.
1 Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name!

2 Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul, and forget not [one of] all His benefits—

3 Who forgives [every one of] all your iniquities, Who heals [each one of] all your diseases,

4 Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy;

5 Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle’s [strong, overcoming, soaring]!

6 The Lord executes righteousness and justice [not for me only, but] for all who are oppressed.

7 He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.

8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness.

9 He will not always chide or be contending, neither will He keep His anger forever or hold a grudge.

10 He has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great are His mercy and loving-kindness toward those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him.

12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father loves and pities his children, so the Lord loves and pities those who fear Him [with reverence, worship, and awe].

14 For He knows our frame, He [earnestly] remembers and imprints [on His heart] that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

16 For the wind passes over it and it is gone, and its place shall know it no more.

17 But the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, and His righteousness is to children’s children—

18 To such as keep His covenant [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it] and to those who [earnestly] remember His commandments to do them [imprinting them on their hearts].

19 The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.

20 Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His commandments, hearkening to the voice of His word.

21 Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, all you His hosts, you His ministers who do His pleasure.

22 Bless the Lord, all His works in all places of His dominion; bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul! PSALM 103:1-22 AMPC


Balance # 7 HUG yourself! Heaven Unfolding God!


Balance # 5 JUST BREATHE!