Balance # 7 HUG yourself! Heaven Unfolding God!

Balance # 7

GLORY TO GOD! Saints, God is doing a NEW THING!

19 "Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." ISAIAH 43:19 AMPC

Perception is in the eye of the beholder. In my new book "The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease," I get into the physiology of the eyes of the heart, perceiving the Word of Truth. I've come to discover that we see what we want to see.

To the degree we know God's love and love ourselves, is the measure in which we can see the NEWNESS OF LIFE, AND GOD'S PLAN that springs forth.

God gave me an acronym for HUG, being HEAVEN UNFOLDING GOD! PRAISE GOD! I get into this extensively in my new book, through semantics in Chapter 2, showing that a thing cannot be unfolded without an environment, which is why Jesus preached the message about the Kingdom of Heaven.

Psalm 119:130 shows us that the Unfolding of God's Word brings Light and Understanding to the simple.

Areas in which your soul is attached to the ideas of being "good or bad," the trappings of the kingdom of the world surround you, as your eyes are focused on the opinions of others and giving symbolism to your circumstances, defining yourself as "good or bad."

In God, we are a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation! PRAISE GOD! We are HUGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have Heaven Unfolding God for us through the message and Person of Christ Jesus, The Son of God! GLORY TO GOD!

When your eyes are on things above, you see from His hope and viewpoint. You do His will, knowing what He says and is doing in your life, in service to others. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Thing in Hebrew is châdâsh pronounced khaw-dawsh' meaning, "new, fresh, new thing." (Strong's Concordance Hebrew Word # 2319) The Hebrew letters that compose "new thing," are Chet, Dalet, and Sheen. Chet is the ancient symbol of a fence and/or chamber, meaning "to separate and/or secret place." Dalet is the ancient symbol of a door meaning "Enter and pathway." Finally, Sheen is the ancient symbol of teeth and means "consume," in the positive. Therefore, the word picture for "new thing" is IN THE SECRET PLACE A DOOR IS OPENED FOR YOU TO KNOW THE PATHWAY, AND BE CONSUMED!

GLORY TO GOD! This is Proverbs 3:5-6, lean not on your own understanding, but in all of your ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path! GLORY TO GOD!

To the degree that you keep your eyes on Heaven, as the Unfolding of God becomes clear, in the purity of His love, is the degree that you will KNOW HIS WILL! GLORY TO GOD! Now that's balance!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto
