Burn the shirt!

Saints of God, know that God is bringing the strength of His Name to your person, through the power of His Word, as you know the holiness of God, being washed by the Word of Truth, tasting the goodness of God in the Land of the Living, as you know that HE IS FOR YOU! Someone needs to hear this today! Do you ever have one of those "IT'S MY FAULT" days? You know where the enemy tries to tell you that everyone's dilemma in your life, is because you did or didn't do .....______________

Do you feel like you own the T-shirt “It’s My Fault!”

That is the trap of the accuser of the brethren that wants you to see things through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and feel bad that everyone else in your life is having a hard time, and it would all be resolved if you didn't do or would have done ......

Listen, God wants to expose this false narrative in your life. Whenever you have "It's my fault" creep up on your members (heart and mind), cast that thought down! Know that it's the poor self-image speaking, and that you need healing and freedom! All behavior is learned. Thus, you have to unlearn this narrative of "It's my fault," and turn to the Word of God that says "I can do all things through Christ Jesus!" (Philippians 4:13)

Be at peace and cast this false narrative down that limits your destiny! Thank God for all that you have in your life, that which seems good and even the things that seem not so good. COUNT EVERYTHING AS A BLESSING! Even to the hungry soul the bitter tastes sweet! (Proverbs 27:7


God bless! Robin Kirby Gatto


Come as you are!


Adjustable, level up!