Adjustable, level up!



As Rich and I were at the gym Wednesday morning, finishing our chest and arm workout, I couldn’t help but see the wording on the machine, “Adjustable Cable.” It was then that God spoke to my heart, that His “Just are Able,” and that He would “Add” unto them.

“For in the Gospel a righteousness which God ascribes is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed through the way of faith that arouses to more faith]. As it is written, The man who through faith is just and upright shall live and shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17 AMPC

The Greek word for just is díkaios pronounced dik'-ah-yos meaning, “equitable (in character or act); innocent, holy, just, and righteous.” (Strong’s Concordance Greek word # 1342) The just, are those who are righteous through Christ Jesus. The just, are the ones, to whom God is able to add His promises.

This past weekend felt like the weekend from hell. Many assaults came upon my person, mentally and emotionally, driving me to a place where I felt inept in everything, and as though I wanted to stop living life. I knew it was the enemy roaring against my mind, and I pressed through, leaning on the Word of Truth to resist satan.

God then told me that His people had to ADJUST, and that it was the present warfare stirring God’s people to wake up to the Father’s plan, His hope. Thus, a release of great distraction and discouragement was allowed, to cause us to MOVE to a place we wouldn’t have otherwise.

Adjust comes from two Latin words, which mean NEAR TO. God showed me that as our soul was so reticent in present circumstances, where we’ve not known God’s call, that we needed to be moved near to the Kingdom of Heaven, knowing WHO WE ARE!

It has taken the trials and tribulation to push us into the place of God’s promise, so that we know the place in which we’re to move. The emphasis has been on moving to the next level. I heard God say that it is a time to “level up.”

Level up means to go higher in position than we already are. We’ve tolerated what we have believed were worth, in the present circumstances surrounding us. At this present time, it is intolerable, in how you allow others to treat you, or what you’ll put up with. As a result, the assaults have been allowed so that we know our worth, and where we’re to no longer be quiet and stand our ground, on what we believe is to be the environment we want to dwell in.

I myself, came to this impasse this past weekend, as I realized that “the last straw had broken the camel’s back,” and what I tolerated in years past, was intolerable for my person, since I know my worth and love myself, seeing my value through God’s eyes.

Saints, this is where we are. The attacks have occurred to get you to ADJUST yourselves where you presently are. Reevaluating where God is now moving you in this time, as you know He is Able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above what we can think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

Don’t beat yourself up, if you’ve had a come apart (meltdown), merely know that things are happening to get you to know your worth through Christ. In knowing your worth, you will know where He is moving you and LEVEL UP to that promotion!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto



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