Soul gas

Excerpt from: The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease

By: Robin Kirby-Gatto


Soul Gas – Soulish Dreams

One of the things the subconscious does, while sleeping, is release little evidences of the ego’s issues, like passing gas. This might sound too graphic for some. However, it is the best analogy in revealing the area in which pride sits in the self-image, holding onto rotten fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

As Lucifer was lifted in pride in the heavenlies, bringing the knowledge of evil to other angelic host, he couldn’t perceive his own rottenness, the stench of the knowledge of evil. He thought he had the answer to the ills of others he believed, were in the same predicament. This predicament was the exalted ego, that caused Lucifer to think of himself, more highly than he should.

Likewise, the soul’s ego is exalted in the subconscious mind, in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, making us good many times, while it makes others bad. This need to make others bad, is the soul’s reprieve from the false narrative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, like a morphine drip. It’s the addiction of the soul’s grand illusion of purgatory, where it’s caught between heaven and hell. This happens to the fractured areas of our soul, and only from the Knowledge of Christ, can we be set free.

Dreams are the best escape for the soul’s stench, to placate the false narrative, where it escapes into words and images, representing the projection of the soul’s ego. For example, I’ve had many send me dreams that they’ve had about me, where they’re either the hero sent to help me, or the recipient of some bad act I’ve committed. These dreams are merely the soul’s gas, like farting.

In the natural, the gas that’s trapped in a person’s body is released from their bum (a nicer way of saying behind), many times with noise, but even as much in the SBD (silent but deadly) release. This is how it is with the ego in a dream. There’s a rotten stench within the members of the subconscious, and instead of just coming out and dealing with the issue within one’s self-image, it’s easier for the ego to project the soul’s problem onto another, where we then point the finger and make them out to be bad, when in fact it’s the issue of our own soul, which is why we had the dream. We cannot handle the truth. As a result, the soul makes us aware of the issues of rotten fruit, via a dream, otherwise known as Soul Gas.

When we find ourselves dreaming about another person doing something that’s offensive or not lovely, it’s the log in the eye that’s operative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which thereby causes us to project our badness onto someone else, and maybe someone we look up to. The reason for this, is we subconsciously believe if that person has the issue, then we’re not as bad as we thought.

Therefore, it’s imperative to be mindful of the dreams that the soul has, where it plays the hero. Many times, those hero dreams are the ego within, causing it to be numb and clueless to the trapped gas of rotten fruit.


Adjustable, level up!


When you’re carrying change it can be heavy!