Burning the candle at both ends

Waking up on a cold Monday in November, I was half asleep, wondering why in the world do we have the heat and air conditioner on. We live in an old historic apartment built in 1928, with hardwood floors, plastered walls, beautiful big doors, and the most incredible porch on the avenue, in my opinion.

Our air condition comes from the window units in the apartment. We’ve never had both the heat and air condition on at the same time. However, Rich insisted that he was too hot, although the heat was set at 64 degrees for the night. He had me reach over to turn on the a/c. I realized that the heat unit happened to be on his side, blowing out hot air, whereas my side, by the window was frigid.

Counting the dollars that would be added to the electric bill, and the craziness of using both the heat and air condition, I tried to reason within my mind, how to address the need for us to come to a common ground, on most likely turning the heat even lower while we slept. The dollars added up in my head, to where we would end up spending an extra $700 - $800 for the winter if we didn’t do something.

When we were making the bed, I made mention to Rich that we had to do something, to which he listened. Outside of our room, in the den and dining room, it was more than chilly, to which point I shared that we should keep our bedroom door open in the night, allowing some of that heat in our bedroom to escape into the rest of the apartment. He agreed.

Then I realized how many times the little things we do, add up within the context of our destiny, causing us to work harder than necessary to get things accomplished. How many times do our bad attitudes or pride, which we are reluctant to let go of, hold us back from entering the place of godly connections that can take us to the next place.

Just like us opening the door to let the heat out of our bedroom into the rest of the apartment, what doors don’t we see that need to be open for the advancement of our call? Everyday people are hindered from moving forward into what they were created to do in this earth, because they cannot think of a door that is available to be opened unto them.

I know this well. Every time we’ve moved, there has been a transition in what I do in the work God has called me, whereby He takes me a direction I normally wouldn’t have gone. I listen for those God moments, where He is speaking to me, little nudges that come my way, which direct me down a path of His call for my life.

Two years ago, God nudged me to pursue a Health and Wellness Coaching certificate, which I never would’ve considered. When I looked up what a Health and Wellness Coach did, I said to myself, “I already do all of that.” However, I needed see the door that could be opened, if I would but let the energy of His call within me, out, so that I could do the work He has for me.

Just like the heat that needed to be let out of our bedroom, so we won’t waste money by turning on the air condition, I too had energy for the gifts God has given me, to fulfill my destiny which needed to go through another door. The beauty of pursuing the open door to Health and Wellness, is that it wraps all my degrees and expertise into that package. I have a master’s and bachelor’s in social work, a law degree, and have been a minister for over a decade. Pursuing all of this conserved my energy into laser focus for the next level of what God had for me.

What is God nudging you toward, so that you’re not wasting the talent He’s given you, burning the candle at both ends? It’s the same thing. Burning the candle at both ends, means overextending yourself. Wasting energy in your life with all the little things that add up. Look at areas in your life, be still and listen to God, so you can know the direction you’re take right now.

See the door that is available to be opened, and walk through it, conserving your energy to walk in the new direction He has planned.


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:3-4 AMPC



Enter a different time zone!


Go ahead and have a nervous breakdown, the real real