Cast all doubts!

Saints, it is without a doubt that many of you are hurting, with your own struggle in life, which causes so many questions to arise within your heart and mind, leaving you overwhelmed at times of "would have, could have, should have."

Be certain that those type of thoughts are the enemy of the soul, to which you have to keep your face set like flint in the Word of Truth, OF WHO YOU ARE!

We are being sifted in greater measure of all within the soul, which wars against the Word of Truth, and needs to be pruned. God knows exactly what it takes to get us where He wants us, when He wants us there.

Cast all doubts against your soul, and the cares of this life, off of you, knowing for certain THAT GOD IS ABLE!

The Word of Truth cuts deeper when the pain is real! I remember Dr. Henry Cloud talking about a hound dog, laying on a front porch, on top of nail. He said, that the hound dog will move, when the nail becomes painful enough.

Sometimes, it takes pain to move us. Don't resist your trial at this present time, the pain in which you find yourself. It will become a trail into the next season of your life, where the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!

Be encouraged and steadfast, knowing that God is sufficient in ALL OF YOUR TRIALS, to bring you an expected outcome, HIS PROMISE!

The eyes of your heart are being opened, to see the glory of the Living God, as you know the Truth!

Lean on Him, not your own understanding, and His sure mercies will find you, crowning your head, bringing you a double portion of honor!

God Bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Proverbs 3:3-6

Instead of your [former] shame you shall have a twofold recompense; instead of dishonor and reproach [your people] shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double [what they had forfeited]; everlasting joy shall be theirs. Isaiah 61:7 AMPC


Go ahead and have a nervous breakdown, the real real


Looking at Others Grossly