Debt. devalue = emotionally bathing in trauma

Saints of God, the Lord wants to encourage you to hope against hope! The power of God's love and grace is more than sufficient, giving you strength and the ability to withstand the attacks of the enemy, as you lean into His love and promises.

The power of God's intention within your very being, moves upon your circumstances on this earth, revealing your faith, as Christ Jesus, Eternal Life, is revealed within your heart and mind, upon your countenance, where you're fasting, GLORY TO GOD, is the release of Heaven's prayer given to you from the Father, where His hope and future for you come about!


The power source of faith is the Love of God. The biggest hindrance to your prayers being heard and answered is unforgiveness and doubt. One reason unforgiveness and doubt play out within the soul is because of past traumas that haven't been dealt with.

God gave me an acronym for debt, where we forgive people their debts, as He forgives us our debts. When you feel Devalued, you Emotionally Bathe in Trauma.

Devalue= Emotionally Bathing in Trauma

God has me go into detail about this in my new book, The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease, addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Areas that haven't been dealt with, in which we have past traumas, require deeper healing. Those areas can cause us to harbor anger and unforgiveness toward others.

One thing that happens with those with PTSD is that they are hypervigilant and paranoid. I can attest to this, having been traumatized in a 9-month relationship and at a church I attended. The past events caused me to be hypervigilant, preparing to protect myself from perceived threats, which weren't real.

I am mindful of these times in which I get triggered, when circumstances in my present, appear to match my past. The only way to be free of the past is to walk in the love of God, which keeps us free of debt spiritually! We walk in continual forgiveness.

Moreover, when I find myself triggered by particular circumstances, I realize it is easier to be impulsive in my behavior, and have to try and stop and breathe for a moment, realizing it is merely the past trauma speaking to my soul. In those moments I forgive myself for any impulsivities and then receive the Father's grace and mercy, to be authentically the beautiful person that He's called me to be!

Saints of God, what area in your soul do you feel spiritually in debt? Where do you need to let go, and Let God?

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong]. And bring us not into temptation but rescue us from evil. Luke 11:4 AMPC

And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32 AMPC


Maze runner


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