Love, Live and Learn

2023 Love, Live and Learn


I pray that 2023 is a year in which you love more, live life to its fullness, and learn to love and live. The things that we take with us from 2022, are memories in which we’ve grown the most throughout the year, having shared our lives in the service of the Lord in relationship to others.


In my new book, God has me focusing on Eternal Life and the power of that Life, Who is Jesus, that is given to us upon salvation. This precious Eternal Life that we carry is more than we can ever imagine. It is God's presence, giving us good and perfect gifts continually. We are anointed by Grace to receive an unceasing supply of anointing through Jesus Christ.


We’re feeding one of two fires at any moment. The first fire, for Christians, is that of Eternal Life, the Life of Christ Jesus, which is stronger than hell and death! It brings us continual refreshing and we remain in revival! True revival is the Eternal Life burning within the soul of a son or daughter of God, as we worship Him in spirit and in truth. We are the revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven that’s planted within our hearts. (See Song of Solomon 8:6-7; John 1:1-5; 1 John 1:1-2; Luke 17:20-21)


The other flame is that of the carnal nature, which is the wisdom from below. (See James 3:3-16) When we think poorly or negatively about others or ourselves, we’re feeding the carnal flame, the fire of Gehenna (hell).


We grow when we love, live, and learn. This is true discipleship in Christ Jesus. We’re learning to love and learning to live.


As Rich and I got takeout today from Yummy Bowl, the saying given to me before I left was, “Learn something new today. Share it with someone.”


What’s so amazing is I started a video series of LLL, Love, Live, and Learn two weeks ago. It was more confirmation of what God has me teaching and told me that 2023 would be, on one of my videos this past week. He said that 2023 is a year to Love, Live, and Learn!


Saints, when we learn to love and live, we share it with others!


I pray that you have a most blessed New Year and Learn to Love and Live!


God bless you!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


Debt. devalue = emotionally bathing in trauma


Insecurity breeds contempt