Deficiency, the facade of the subconscious, which tries to hide.


Recently with many of my coaching clients, I have been walking them through, what I myself have been experiencing as of late, and have been given the words so eloquently by God to explain the issue to the subconscious, as it relates to the word we know as “deficient.”

Deficient means, “not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient; insufficient or inadequate.” This comes from the Latin word deficient which means “failing.” Thus, deficient indicates a lack of something we have in our self-image. This is fed to the soul from the subconscious mind.

The subconscious houses tons of memory, from which it pulls its data, resting on thoughts and words that are attached to images. Unique to the conscious mind, the subconscious speaks to us without our knowledge much of the time, much like white noise in the atmosphere, which we have numbed ourselves to hearing.

Awareness of this self-talk that comes through the subconscious is important in overcoming false realities, especially when it comes to the issue of what we know as deficient. Many times, when this issue of my self-image feeling deficient is speaking to me, its in subtle ways, making me feel as though I am inadequate or not good enough at whatever it is that I do.

Deficiency in the self-image tries to stay hidden so we don’t discover that its there, giving us the facade that everyone else seems to have their life together except for us. This line of thinking is part of the mind games of the negative talk in our soul, that makes us think we are the only one who does not have their life altogether. This is a lie of the devil; he tries to isolate you, by bringing you into the comparison game, so that your soul will have all the excuses it needs, to validate its deficiency.

This term is easily looked at through products liability, which I took in Torts while in law school. When we are talking about a product that it is sold, and it is put on the market and then later recalled because it is defective, what we are really saying, is that product does not do what it was created to do.

Deficiency makes us feel that we are inept at being a man, a woman, a parent, a spouse, a worker, etc. It shouts ‘YOU DO NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY.”

In ourselves we are deficient, but in Christ Jesus, we are given all sufficiency that we need for every task that we are called to. Therefore, the enemy’s ploy is to lead us slowly out on a tightrope, being extended over two buildings, where we then find ourselves stuck, and where self-doubt floods in shouting, “well I didn’t do that right, or I cannot do this, or I messed up again.” These are all tactics of the bad report relying on the label “deficient” that our self-image when vulnerable, will cling to, if we do not interrupt the false-reality (facade) of the enemy that has kept us in a place of being stagnant.

These are the times where people say things such as “I am stuck, I feel like my feet are in quick sand, etc.” What is really happening, is their soul is making a comparison through a the subconscious mind, speaking in a manner to which the person feels inept at the event or circumstance they are committed to.

Get out of the Quick Sand

The fastest way to make yourself sink faster in quick sand is to struggle. It is the same way with deficiency. The enemy wants us to be like the person trying to get out of quick sand and cause us to say exactly what it is that we are sufficient in. That is a losing battle with the issue of deficiency against the self-image.

Instead, agreement is the best way to oppose the soul’s message of deficiency, because it turns our eyes upward on Christ Jesus, knowing that in Him we have all sufficiency.

What I like to say is “shame the devil (the lie), and you deprogram it from your brain.” When you realize that deficiency wants you to compare, to struggle, to fight, then you can overcome it by doing the very opposite, and agreeing that you are deficient without Christ. With that agreement, you can also make it a point to know that so is everyone else in this world; YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

A lot of people want to find sufficiency in things that “they do,” or all the work “they have done.” If we choose to believe this, then our self-image will be open to the subjugation of the issue of deficiency. The cycle will repeat itself all over again. This is why it is good to make a frenemy (friend out of your enemy) with deficiency.

The fact that you know you are only human, allows you room to make mistakes, and gives you permission to not be entirely perfect so that when you fail, your self-image is not damaged, but rather you learn. You learn that although you have times that seem to be deficient for the event, that is NOT WHO YOU ARE.

In knowing this, you can quickly turn your head upward and know a friend that sticks closer than a brother, Christ Jesus, who took on all our deficiencies, nailing them to the cross, to bring us in His own sufficiency to the Father. In Him, we are fully capable to do all that we are called to do in this life.

Not that we are fit (qualified and sufficient in ability) of ourselves to form personal judgments or to claim or count anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5 AMPC


Overcoming discouragement


Breakthrough is on the horizon