Breakthrough is on the horizon

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Breakthrough, “a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development; an instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity.” This influential word of truth, stirs the soul to believe that something greater than eyes have seen or ears have heard, is about to happen.

Much like hope, breakthrough is a word encompassing a vast array of diverse circumstances, easily employed at the moment of astute awareness, where the conscious mind determines that it will be laser focused on the things that are SOON TO COME.

Breakthrough is a forecasting word, not a predictable one. We can see this between old mindsets that are established in one’s first brain, which repetitively have a person expecting the same old thing, day in and day out. Regardless of if life is drudgery, or a soul is merely surviving, does not register to the conscious and unawareness is the result.

95% of the time, most of the population is on autopilot, repeating and living out their past memories in the present by “predicting” their future. Predict means, “to say or estimate something will happen in the future, or be a consequence of something.” It means one already knows what is going to happen. The reason being, is that the knowledge of this something is a continual experience that is relived over and over again in the emotions and mind, causing the very thing we have believed in, to occur. We have faith in something, and if we are not believing for breakthrough we are relying on our own fear.

The difference between predicting and forecasting the future, can be seen through the lens of weather. Daily we look at the app on our phone to let us know weather conditions. Meteorologists predict weather with appropriate instrumentation, looking at the changes in weather PATTERNS. Thus, weather predictions are based on patterns.

A forecast is taking those predictions and saying what will be in the future. This is where we get deeper as it relates to breakthrough.

If we are not careful, we can go by the feelings/emotions of our own patterns, which are based on our past. When we do this emotionally and mentally we are predicting what is going to happen moment by moment, drumming up unnecessary worries, keeping us bound up in the subconscious mind, tangled in a weave of reactions, which continue to stir the mind into a downward spiral of negative thoughts, contrary to the Word of God.

Do others like us? Are we good enough? Can we do the task at hand? Do we have what it takes? etc.

If instead, we look at the pattern of God in the Word, and what He does for His people, although they are undeserving, we see that there is something substantive, which we call faith, that moves us from our patterns of predictions to God’s forecast, or can we say, moves us into prophesying that which is to come.

Many people are fearful about prophecy, which I get into in my book series God’s Fire Wall School of the Prophets. They look at prophecy enigmatically, not realizing that its about hearing the still small voice of God and knowing what He is speaking to your soul, your self-image.

Forecast means to predict or estimate a trend or pattern that is to come; prediction of future events that are to happen. When we look at this as it relates to the mind, we can see that the Word of God and His reason, causes us to be HOPEFUL, knowing there is a good expectation for us around the corner, if we only believe! This is a limitless mind, full of passion, waiting for opportunity.

Robin Kirby-Gatto

11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.

13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13 AMPC


Deficiency, the facade of the subconscious, which tries to hide.


Transformation, the counterculture the mind resists.