Transformation, the counterculture the mind resists.


The mind is very stubborn and fights tooth and toe-nail for even one inch of change in your life, influencing your body with a cascade of emotional signals through hormones, constructing your feelings and emotions.

Feelings will lead us to ask questions, such as, “why do I feel this way; why am I sad; why am I confused; why do I feel weird, and so forth.” When we give into synergistic emotions that have been replicating patterns within our body, controlling us for years if not decades, they end up becoming our worst enemy. Our brain responds to these emotions requiting unto us all the negative experiences in the subconscious that verify our need to feel a certain way; our need to be addicted.

As a result, we are largely controlled and ruled by our emotions, which become the engine to our brain, leading us 70 mph like a locomotive on tracks, uncertain of where we might land. This is what is called the predictable future. Our past emotional patterns that are not overcome, become our future.

Enter the Counterculture

A counterculture is “a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.” Countercultures are expressed largely in nations, as one group of people determine they cannot have the same PATTERN of life anymore, and instead choose to change it, by integrating new behaviors and acceptable norms. We see this through the expression of Dr. Martin Luther King, and his work in changing the Civil Rights of African American people in the United States, with one theme that captured the world… “I HAVE A DREAM!” What is interesting is today January 20, 2020 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Dr. King’s dream was infectious and created a new behaviors in society, as well as a new norm.

Likewise, when we determine in our heart that we want change in our life and know that we can no longer tolerate what we have accepted as our normal, there is a resistance in the mind and emotions.

Resistance means, “the refusal to accept or comply with something, the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.” This comes from the Latin word resistere meaning, “to hold back.”

Our own mind, if we allow it, will hold us back from the transformative process, in which we get a new norm, such as the drive for success, joy and happiness. It is here that the mind will make ARGUMENTS, giving us excuse after excuse of why we cannot do something, such as “It can’t be done; I will start tomorrow; It’s to cold outside; I’m not good and enough, I will be all alone, etc.”

Whether we know it or not a new counterculture is underpinning our daily lives, with an anticipation of some sort, which keeps us dissatisfied in our present, so we will hope more towards the future. It is the new mind, waiting to manifest in our present, whereby we take our free will back and determine once and for all who we will be.

This is the juncture we all find ourselves at daily, wondering if things will continue to be the same. Will we still have the same financial issues, relationship issues, health issues, etc. Or will we instead choose a new norm and behavior that defies what we’ve known, creating an entirely new culture of influence, which now causes us to KNOW WHO WE WERE CREATED TO BE?

God Bless,


Breakthrough is on the horizon


Offense a toxin to the self-image