Don’t take on other people’s battles.

Don’t let the battles of others, become your own battle.

Areas in the soul where we have a poor self-image are latent with internal battles. Unconscious to what is truly going on at the receptor level, we find ourselves with mixed emotions, unsure of what is occurring and uncertain with things in life. This is the result of the disconnect between the mind and body, where we’ve been largely taught for centuries from the head down. As a result, delayed development in the natural brain has less than sufficient capability in processing what’s happening in the environment, as well as to who we are, whereby we become yoked with a false identity, believing the ultimate parody that “we’re bad.”

Young children are growing up confused as to their gender, bullying goes on in school extenuating the poor self-image, all as the result of trying to teach the child from the brain down to the body. The body’s language of emotion, develops much faster than the brain’s language of thoughts and words, ultimately asking the question continually over and over for our entire earthly life, “Who are we?”

When our self-image is this destitute in areas of the soul, we end up having blurred lines with who we are, and who others are. As a result, we take on the unnecessary battles of the thoughts and opinions of others.

No wonder we have issues and are confused at times in this life. We’ve been taught backwards. Much emphasis is given to the mind than it is the body, whereby we overlook the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He knows how we operate; we are His invention.

We are at ground zero and the adventure begins for the entire globe to learn the conditioning of the body. As we commit ourselves to condition our body’s language, it supernaturally sucks the toxic waste dump out of our identity, which has been enmeshed within the fibers of our soul.

Bit by bit, we take back a little more of our soul than we did before, conditioning it for the national championship. We are committed. With this change comes.

Stay Tuned for More! Digestive thoughts from the new book Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ, by Robin Kirby-Gatto




Reset, Refocus, Restart


Know who it is you’re worshipping