Reset, Refocus, Restart

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Reset, Refocus, Restart


I was inspired today to go through my clothes and pack bags to get rid of things I won’t wear. The good news is that I’ve gone down almost two sizes in clothes, which makes me motivated all the more. Feeling high on life, as though I’m moving somewhere good emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually heightened the spark in my single-mindedness.

Having been on keto now over five years and entering the sixth year, because of all my hormonal issues, I’ve had to be patient as they got balanced, while continuing strength training and cardio, as well as my routine supplementation. Now it’s all paying off after a long journey, where most people would’ve normally given up, waiting on the results I’m now getting. Something in my gut wouldn’t let me give up (God). I knew that I felt better on keto as the symptoms of my dis-eases dissipated. However, I had to be patient for nearly five years for the weight to go down. I still eat exactly the same as I have over the years, my body has hit its own stride as it seems to have RESET!

Opening up drawers, emptying other bags and the like, got me excited. Not only did I pack clothes to give away, but I unpacked clothes that I’ve purchased through eBay over the last 5 years, waiting for this day to come. I can now see the reality of fitting into a size 2! It’s just around the corner as I’m sailing through my size 4 clothes now and it’s any moment, they will be too big for me.

All afternoon I enthusiastically said, “I cannot wear that, I won’t wear that; oh, good I can finally wear that!”

Get this; nearly five years ago I bought my first pair of size 2 pants and I tried them on today and can almost wear them!

Before I knew it, I had cleaned out all of my clothes, and in the end had two big trash bags of goodies to take to Hannah Home.

It didn’t stop there. I ended up dusting other parts of the house and then cleaning our front porch! I tell you one little flicker of seeing a reset in my body, motivated me to see a reset in other things within my life. CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN AND CLEANER!

Getting rid of the old, made way for the new and created more space in our tiny historic apartment in downtown Birmingham. It felt good I tell you!

What is it in your life that needs to be RESET? Just one small change can change everything else.


3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],

4 And by knowledge shall its chambers [of every area] be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4 AMPC






Mindfulness the Mind of Christ


Don’t take on other people’s battles.