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Having a background in social work, bachelors and master’s degrees, made me familiar with the work of Margaret Mead, who was the spearhead of much research that is applied in social work. Although Margaret Mead was a cultural anthropologist, receiving her bachelor’s degree in 1923, her master’s in 1925 and her PhD in 1929, she focused her research efforts on cultural anthropology, studying the aspects of people within past and present societies. She mentored many anthropologists and sociologists, contributing her research for the betterment of understanding different cultures, as well as addressing societal issues.

She is known for many incredible quotes, one of which is:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

The whole world was her microscope as the different chasms of cultures and societal issues became her laboratory. She was able to capture the essence of psychology being applied to groups on a social level, when different restraints, discriminations, or persuasions were put in place. One thing she noticed was that a group of committed people could change the issues of society. Circumstances didn’t change things, people did. She recognized the influence and power of the human soul to make things better.

Having studied social statistics in my master’s degree at the University of Alabama, I was able to see the interplay of different social experiments that had taken place, affecting society at large to have a different outcome than would be expected. We see this largely in our own history here in the United States, when different nationalities immigrated and some were made slaves, which is the worst of social evils.

All it took was creating a “social norm” into a society initially as a social experiment to see if it would be accepted. Women were considered less than men, so it became a social norm over in Europe, spilling into our nation. Slavery was a social norm in Europe and accepted in the colonies as normal. Social norms “are informal understandings that govern a society.”

Making eye contact when you meet someone and shaking their hand are social norms. Not invading someone’s space is a social norm, etc. Social norms are things that make us a cultural society of influence one upon the other.

Lately with all that is going on, my humble opinion is that we are in the midst of a HUGE EXPERIMENT, where evil influencers are intent on making us bow down to new social norms, such as distancing ourselves 6 feet away, wearing masks, and communicating largely through social media. What used to be a social norm such as shaking hands and looking each other in the eyes is now fading away during all these subversive ordinances and regulations, where those who are brainwashed are easily influenced in the experiment and the social norm now becomes dehumanizing people.

This is only the beginning and leads to further alienation in our society, as in the time of the Holocaust, when the Jews were dehumanized by having society accept new social norms. Now a person who doesn’t wear a mask in a store is considered evil and thrown out, stares of chastisement delivered by those who are brainwashed.

With my law degree and knowing my constitutional rights, I refuse to be part of this socialist experiment during the days of the propaganda where new social norms are being created for us to accept. What is interesting is that I looked up the word experiment and realized it comes from the same Latin word that composes “experience!”

In an experiment there is a controlled variable, which here in my opinion, is whether or not people will accept new social norms that are driven by a state of fear. Those who are given over to fear are accepting these new social norms. Moreover, they are now a part of implementing them, calling the police or carrying out the chastisement, by aggressively dealing with others who do not comply with these new norms.

An Experiment is the TRYING OUT OF NEW CONCEPTS, to test the concept and see how it works. This comes from the Latin word experiri, which means try. Thus, an experiment in sociology is the trying of a new social norm, seeing if it will be accepted, and if so by who. Then it hit me as I looked at the word experience, which I wrote on in my book “Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ, Living a Meditated Life.” (see excerpt below). I saw the word EXPERIENCE in experiment! The experiment is MEANT TO BRING YOU A NEW EXPERIENCE! EXPERIENCE-MEANT!

This is what happens when we accept things as normal with fear being the control variable to make us afraid. If we accept it then we digress from a free society, into one of socialism. Socialism is the chasm, bridging us to communism from a capitalist society. It is the nail in the coffin to free thinking. Thus, as Margaret Mead made note. The only thing that changes a society are people who are committed.

What is our commitment? The Truth! You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. (See John 8:32)

When we are committed to the truth, we will not tolerate the experience of evil to bring in new social norms. Inch by Inch is all the devil needs to get a mile.

Excerpt from “Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ, Living a Meditated Life” by Robin Kirby-Gatto

“Experience is, “an event or occurrence that leaves an impression, and to feel an emotion.” It comes from the Latin word experiri which means “try.”[i] Try means to make the attempt to achieve something, and comes from the French word trier, which means “to sift.” Sifting is where a loose substance is sieved in order to remove lumps or other particles. Thus, our experience is the place in which we have been sieved in our emotions, where indifferent lumps and particles are removed, to bring about a rational and cohesive momentum to our self-image so that we change. THIS IS AN EXPERIENCE!”

7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 AMPC


Robin Kirby-Gatto

[i] “Experience”


The new normal


Leaving the old and going into the new!