Leaving the old and going into the new!

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Like grains of dust on mars, our old seasons are planetary residue, a threat to anything in our lives that might be new. Terrestrial debris turns into shards of steel from our old mentality, a weapon used against our dreams. The critical nature of our soul is an alarm to our transition, louder than the sirens of a fire truck. It is here that we find our momentary discomfort is the result of tightly clinching onto old beliefs, thorns imbedding into our head, where the old mindsets begin to criticize the new mindset that is forming, scolding us for making the wrong decision.

Aridness covers the terrains of our emotions in the “old” as it swiftly becomes a wilderness, compelling us to exit.  The elements of the seemingly interstellar place have become a detriment to the self-image, leading us to pioneer to the undiscovered landscape. The critic of our self-image, the old mindset, is uncovered; it’s a thorn. We have a clearer view of our departure from the old, rapidly approaching a new emotional and mental space that leads us unexpectedly to make a decisive decision over our state, and we say goodbye to the critic.

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A door tightly shut and locked, where we dismiss the thoughts of old emotions, the detractor's voice. We choose to live in calm. This is anxiety and panic overruled, where past unmade decisions are no different than unmade beds during the day while at work. The thought of the unmade bed in the midst of our productivity no longer stifles us or has an effect to detract or distract us from our day. That is how easy through God’s grace, we can overcome the thorns of the enemy against our soul.

I have to believe!

Detract means, “to diminish the worth or value of, cause someone or something to be distracted, diverted.” This comes from two Latin words de meaning “away from,” and trahere meaning “draw,” joining into one word with the implication of “drawing away.” Our old mindsets draw us away from that which is new, it detracts us from the voice of the pioneer that would take us out of the alien terrain that is more of a detriment to the self-image than an exploration.

Therefore, you know it is time to move into the new season when your old season has become so foreign to you, like an alien planet, that it begins to attack. Your emotional and mental states are compromised, where you have to be vigilant to thwart off the thoughts that you need to be checked into a psychiatric ward. This is how real the battle in the mind is with your self-image when you are in the midst of the transition into a new season.

Your mind in this process, is being transformed into the substance of what you believe. Believe means, “to accept as true,” and substance means, “the quality of being important, valid and significant.” Substance comes from the Latin word substant meaning, “standing firm,” evolving into the Latin word substantia, which means “BEING ESSENCE!” Therefore, your belief is in the essence of what you hold weight in to be true.

Although, you speak with your mouth “I’m unafraid, I’m fearless, and I can do anything,” your subconscious tells on you and criticizes the new mindset that sets out to create a newfound freedom. Not realizing it, you are still standing in manure from what others have spoken or said over you, and even yourself.

Staying in an old mindset proves that you are willing to stand in the stench of dung, while you ignore the fact that everything around you stinks.

You have to let go of the old mindset to enter into the NEW!

Something so simple as life changes can expose these mindsets. Getting a new job, having a baby, moving, marriage, divorce, starting school, etc., can expose the critic in our mind who would hinder us from moving into the new mindset.

If there are negative thoughts criticizing who you are, that is the evidence, you’re in an interstellar environment that has now turned on you. Changes are good for us and especially our self-image, removing criticizing mindsets that have limited us from experiencing the EXTRAORDINARY!

Life continues to give us extraordinary events, where we see the value of others and ourselves. We can only love others as we love ourselves. Each moment we live in this earth is a benchmark within our mind and heart to bring about a TRANSFORMED MIND, where we see beyond our imagination into a realm of the beauty of grace. God reaches down to our lowest point and picks us up out of the critical battle of our thoughts, removing them from our mind, and brings us the exquisiteness of what is true, so that our reality is changed, our beliefs surrender to His thoughts and plans, and we find ourselves hoping against hope, knowing that our reality comes from within like a seed being crushed by the pressure of the dirt, in order to blossom into a flower!

The fragrance of the life of Christ in you, transforms your self-image into the glory of God, in the beauty of grace. Truth is transformative and the truth sets your soul free from the terrestrial space of the wilderness, in order to carry you into the NEW MIND, THE MIND OF CHRIST!

The thorns of our past battles from the voice of the critic is dismantled in our mind, and we are kept in the power of grace as a delicate rose.

[She said] I am only a little rose or autumn crocus of the plain of Sharon, or a [humble] lily of the valleys [that grows in deep and difficult places].  But Solomon replied, Like the lily among thorns, so are you, my love, among the daughters. Song of Solomon 2:1-2 AMPC

The thorns around your mind are the criticisms of the old mindsets that have exposed the alien terrain in which you have traveled. Now it is time to go into the new mindset, where grace has given you blessings, favor, and power to see through the eyes of love as you RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS OF GOD!

Overcoming negative patterns in your life, means you are willing to receive the truth and be set free as you see the thorns that have tormented you dissolve. This is the passage of leaving the old and coming into the new. Our difficult places have been the growth opportunities in our belief to leave the old and welcome the new. What had been surrounding us before of the critical thoughts not dissipate and are turned into a flower garden!

I am my beloved’s [garden] and my beloved is mine! He feeds among the lilies [which grow there]. Song of Solomon 6:3 AMPC

The critic’s voice of the negative has left as our mind has transformed into the voice of TRUTH, which now surrounds us, we live in the calm. This is the power of leaving the old and going into the new.


And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32 AMPC

For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. 1 Corinthians 2:16 AMPC


God bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto











