In Times of Trouble there’s an Anchor of Hope!

God is beyond amazing, working ALL THINGS to your good! PRAISE GOD! Where there's TROUBLE, there is an ANCHOR for the storm! The valley of Achor is the valley of Trouble in Hosea 2:15, and achor means trouble. I looked at the name Achor and noticed that if you put an N behind the "A" you have ANCHOR! GLORY TO GOD!!!!

As I reflect on the Lord's word that CHANGE would come SWIFTLY beginning July 18th and that August was a time to regroup, I'm glad I had no idea what He meant, or I wouldn't have signed up for it. Truly it has been the darkest trial I've been through since the 1990s. I'm grateful that the Lord shows us things to come, so we'll be prepared.

I could have never anticipated all that took place, and now that it has, I am so glad it did! Praise God! There's Light at the end of the tunnel, now that we're about to enter August. From July 18th to July 28th, it was utter hell. BUT GOD! He is with you in the valley! PRAISE GOD! HE BRINGS THE LIGHT!

I thank God for grace and mercy, giving me strength to hold onto the Word of God's Promise, as He gave me the gift of faith for the need. In the natural everything looked gloomy, and the light was dim. But God knew what needed to take place, who knows EVERYTHING!

I'm grateful He had me start an Isaiah 58 fast at the beginning of July and had me carry it through, knowing the need for humility in which I would grow in His love, free from the cares of this life and the restraints of the lies of the enemy that would assail my mind to hold me down.

Writing this book, "The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease," for over 2 1/2 years, so much has happened, where I've lived the entire book! PRIASE GOD! I'm still only half-way through.

In saying all of this, God wants me to encourage you that HIS LIGHT PIERCES THE DARKNESS! John 1:5 has been the Sword I hold onto for 2 decades, gripping it, as if it were a part of my very being, being baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire of that Word! PRAISE GOD!

Saints you have to get this! God knows all the issues of our hearts, and all involved, and what is necessary to purify us so that we walk in the LOVE OF CHRIST! GLORY TO GOD, IN WHICH WE'RE SECURELY GROUNDED!!! IT IS THE ANCHOR OF OUR FAITH! It keeps us from being tossed about in the storm! GLORY TO THE LIVING GOD!!! WHERE WE KNOW GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now, I'm seeing the miracles I've prayed for years for, and God move, as a burden has been lifted off of me that I've carried for 15 years! GLORY TO GOD! IN ONE MOMENT, CHANGE CAME SWIFTLY IN A STORM, GOD ANCHORED ME, AND THE LIGHT SHONE FORTH! THE CLOUDS PARTED, THE SUN SHINES!!!!!!!!!!!

Saints, understand, the greater the darkness, the GREATER THE LIGHT!!!!!! The deeper the valley, THE GREATER THE HOPE!!!!!! Saints, we are in the midst of MUCH NEEDED CHANGE for God's people and things might seem bleak, BUT GOD!!!! HE'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!!! HE WILL LIFT YOU UP ON EAGLE'S WINGS AND YOU WILL RUN AND NOT BE WEARY!!!!

Hold onto Hope, and Hope against Hope, knowing that Hope is a Person, Who is Christ!

As we transition into August, it will be a time to REGROUP! Regrouping happens after a battle! GLORY TO GOD, DID YOU HEAR THAT!!!!! AFTER IS THE KEY WORD!!! AFTER A BATTLE!!!!!!!!!! I COULD DANCE!!!!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!

Saints, get ready, we're here at the time of GREAT CHANGE, IT HAS COME SWIFTLY, AND IT'S TIME TO REGROUP!!!!

HOPE: Heaven Operating in Power on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE: Life Overflowing in the Victory of Eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a Warhorse I tell you! I pray you do, as well! I pray you're strengthened from heaven above, by the power of God's Holy Spirit, with a Fresh Anointing, a New Anointing! PRAISE GOD!


Robin Kirby Gatto

And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it]. JOHN 1:5 AMPC

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined. ISAIAH 9:2 AMPC

But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. HABAKKUK 2:14 AMPC

There I will give her, her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt. HOSEA 2:15 AMPC

[Now] we have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches farther and enters into [the very certainty of the Presence] within the veil, HEBREWS 6:19 AMPC

13 [I began to flee, but they called to me] Return, return, O Shulammite; return, return, that we may look upon you! [I replied] What is there for you to see in the [poor little] Shulammite? [And they answered] As upon a dance before two armies or a dance of Mahanaim. SONG OF SOLOMON 6:13 AMPC

19 Have you given the horse his might? Have you clothed his neck with quivering and a shaking mane? 20 Was it you [Job] who made him to leap like a locust? The majesty of his [snorting] nostrils is terrible. 21 He paws in the valley and exults in his strength; he goes out to meet the weapons [of armed men]. 22 He mocks at fear and is not dismayed or terrified; neither does he turn back [in battle] from the sword. 23 The quiver rattles upon him, as do the glittering spear and the lance [of his rider]. 24 [He seems in running to] devour the ground with fierceness and rage; neither can he stand still at the sound of the [war] trumpet. 25 As often as the trumpet sounds he says, Ha, ha! And he smells the battle from afar, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting. JOB 39:19-25 AMPC


Time to Regroup # 1


Trash Talk