Trash Talk

Saints, the limiting factor in your life, are the lies of satan to which you hold as real. The prison within our being, is in the mind, as the heart is anchored to the hypnosis of fear and shame.

No one can shame you, if you don't allow it to attach to who you are. Our identity comes from the Word of Truth, and not the opinions of others. The only perfect person is JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD. Therefore, everyone else other than Christ is imperfect, and susceptible to the lie of the enemy.

Jesus took on the shame, that would come against mankind because of sin, and He didn't feel the sting of it, He despised shame and took it to the cross, finishing its grip on the soul of mankind, where it no longer would have effect.

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." HEBREWS 12:2 AMPC

It's like taking out the trash. When I get my garbage bag out of the trash bin, tie it up, and carry it to the receptacle outside the door, I don't carry it thinking, OH MY GOSH I AM TRASH, I AM SO STINKY AND SO NASTY! People would laugh if I did that, but that's what we do with the opinions of others.

It's their trash, their opinions, not ours! PRAISE GOD! This came to me today, as I looked at past pics, not of immediate family, but others from years ago in the pic with me, who had this bothered look, when in photos with others in that moment, their face was completely different, as they smiled and laughed. It seemed in the pic they were repelled by the thought of having to stand next to me.

However, I didn't take it on as my identity, because what others think about me, is their trash not mine. It's the same with you, too.

Trash talk means:

"Insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, intimidate, or humiliate someone, especially an opponent in an athletic contest."

People might talk trash about you to one another, and when they're around you, be repelled in your presence, but IT IS THEIR TRASH, NOT YOURS! They're smelling their own stinking trash talk, their heart, where they've seen you poorly.

Saints, are you repelled by someone? If so, are you talking trash about them? It could be your own trash talk your smelling.

Moreover, are you blessing your enemies and those who think evil about you? If you're not doing this, you might have some trash you need to get rid of.

I've learned one thing of the Lord over the last 3 decades, is to bless my enemies, love them, and think the best of them. It doesn't mean I don't put up boundaries, that's always necessary to guard your heart. However, do you still believe the best? Can God do a work on their heart?

Jesus took out the trash when He went to the cross! He removed shame from mankind! PRAISE GOD!

If you are trash talking someone, you're in the shame of the enemy with stinking thinking. Think like God, have the Mind of Christ, and believe the best!

Some food for thought.

God bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto


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