The Marvel of God!

Nothing is impossible with our God! Having finally finished the intro into neuroscience "Neurons and Networks," by John E. Dowling, I'm left undone at the marvel of God, seeing the development of the brain in the womb.

There's no way you can look at how a baby develops in the womb, specifically the intricacy of brain development, and not be left speechless! IT IS A MARVEL!

Marvel means "to be filled with wonder and astonishment." Astonishment comes from the Old French word estoner, which evolved from the two Latin words, ex meaning out of, and tonare meaning "to thunder."

The place in which this is seen in scripture is Ezekiel 37, where the prophet is commanded to speak to the dry bones in a tomb, all piled out, completely dead! WOW!

"So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a [thundering] noise and behold, a shaking and trembling and a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone." Ezekiel 37:7 AMPC

The Hebrew word here for thunder is qôwl pronounced kole meaning "call aloud, a voice, a sound, bleating, fame, noise, proclamation, sound, spark, thunder, thundering, and yell." (Strong's Concordance Hebrew word # 6963

The Hebrew letters for "thunder" are Qoph, Vav, and Lamed. Qoph is the ancient symbol of a sun on the horizon or the back of a head, meaning "rising, last, follow, and behind." Vav is the tent peg meaning "to add and secure." Finally Lamed is the symbol of a cattle goad, which looks like a shepherd's staff with a prick in the curvature meaning "tongue, control, and authority." Therefore, the word picture for thunder is THE RISING THAT IS ADDED AND SECURED TO YOU, BRINGING YOU CONTROL AND AUTHORITY BY THE TONGUE (OF GOD)!


I think of a boxer on a mat, where the referee is doing the count to get up. Suddenly, on the number 7, the boxer begins to get to his knees. On 8, he lifts one arm off the mat, and on 9, PRAISE GOD, he stands up! GLORY TO GOD!

The dry bones were counted out, no life, game over, move on. But with God, nothing is over or impossible! PRAISE GOD!

When we look at the marvel of God in the development of a baby's brain in the womb, it's the spark of thunder from heaven, letting you know how much HE LOVES MANKIND! He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption, to be reconciled to God! WE ARE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD!

Saints, what is it that looks impossible in your life? Hold onto faith and to Hope, knowing that God's hope will not disappoint, and where you feel dried up and left to die, GOD IS ABOUT TO YELL INTO YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES AND LIFT YOU UP!



Robin Kirby Gatto

Shaun Bozman Watkins posted in comments below: "Thank you Women of God for releasing this word. So many confirmations were given. My bonus son was born with fluid on his brain, when he came into our care on 8-1-22 he was gray (dried up) and not responding like he should. But God! My baby is now a thriving two-year-old who went to bed last night with the word MARVEL on his pj’s."


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