A Pit is Just a Well Without Water

Saints, this week I'm doing a video series "A Pit is Just a Well Without Water." God is inspiring His people to contend in the faith for the dreams He's given them. Joseph and David are great examples of this contending faith.

Because of his dreams, Joseph's brothers through him in a pit, intending to rid themselves of his incessant proclamations of that which God had called him. They were tormented that something that appeared impossible and was far from their understanding could happen.

18 And when they saw him far off, even before he came near to them, they conspired to kill him. 19 And they said one to another, See, here comes this dreamer and master of dreams. So come on now, let us kill him and throw his body into some pit; then we will say [to our father], Some wild and ferocious animal has devoured him; and we shall see what will become of his dreams! Genesis 37:18-19 AMPC

I've preached on this scripture for nearly 2 decades, but this time in looking at it, God spoke to my heart, "Robin, a pit is just a well without water."

Pit here in Hebrew is bôwr pronounced bore meaning, "a pit hole (used as a cistern or prison), cistern, dungeon, fountain, pit, and well." (Strong's Concordance Hebrew word # 953) This comes from the Hebrew word bûwr pronounced boor meaning, "to bore, examine and declare." The Hebrew letters that compose this are Bet, Vav, and Resh. Bet is the ancient symbol of a tent, meaning "tent, house, household, and family." (Strong's Concordance Hebrew word # 952) Vav is the ancient symbol of a tent peg or nail, meaning "to add or secure." Finally, Resh is the ancient symbol of a man's face meaning, "head, highest and person." Therefore, the word picture for PIT is THE HOUSE THAT'S ADDED TO YOUR PERSON, YOUR HEAD.

Saints, do you understand that JOSEPH had to leave his father's house, TO KNOW WHO HE WAS! GLORY TO GOD! His brothers could only criticize him, telling him who THEY though he was! They added their limited stinking thinking, criticizing Joseph's every move. HE WAS IN A PIT!

What's interesting is that the symbol for water is in the Hebrew word for dreams. Dreams in Hebrew is

People criticize those whom they cannot understand. If they cannot understand the abstract thing of a dream, the difficulty in their ability to process what's being said, causes them to see through the log of their eye, projecting their insecurities and believed insufficiencies onto the dreamer.

Dreams in Hebrew is chălôwm pronounced khal-ome' meaning "dream and dreamer." The Hebrew letters that compose dreams are Chet, Lamed, Vav, and Mem. Chet is the ancient symbol of a fence and/or chamber meaning, "to separate and secret place." Lamed is the ancient symbol of a cattle goad meaning, "tongue, control, and authority." Vav is the tent peg/nail meaning, "to add or secure." Finally, Mem is the ancient symbol of water, looking like a three humped "M" and means, "MASSIVE AND FLOODING," in the positive. Therefore, the word picture for dreams is THE FLOODING IN THE SECRET PLACE (OF THE HEART) THAT HAS ADDED (GOD'S) AUTHORITY AND TONGUE!

GLORY TO GOD!!!!! Join me this week, in seeing God's dreams FLOOD YOUR HEART, as the pit you find yourself in, is a well waiting for water!!!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

(first video in comments)


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