You are accepted in the Beloved.

Saints, sometimes the greatest gift for a season is "acceptance." Although we have hopes that things would be a certain way, because of our desire to have the fullness of life in relationships, there are times that the enemy of our soul, constantly brings the message of rejection through the actions of others.

At times in life, I've felt rejected, as you all have; it's part of being human. Instead of wanting things to work out, hoping, praying, and believing, sometimes acceptance is the greatest gift.

God had me teach on this issue two years ago, on Facebook and with my individual clients. When you enter acceptance, you're no longer open to disappointments, accepting how things truly are, and in that space, it's ok. You can breathe and live daily in the joy of the Lord.

God will bring those who will be a blessing to you, providing fellowship and relationship, so that you don't feel overlooked, as though you don't matter and unimportant. This is the recipe of rejection.

Never look for your acceptance in others; you're accepted in the Beloved! Praise God.

It's better to keep the peace, pursing it with others, committing all things into the hands of God, so that you don't enter into discouragement and depression, constantly disappointed that you're not accepted.

Someone needs to hear this today. God put it on my heart to tell someone reading this move on. Accept how things are and be at peace. Look for the reflection of who you are in Christ! Praise God!

6 [So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favor and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 AMPC

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


A Pit is Just a Well Without Water


Be free of worldliness and bitterness.