Be free of worldliness and bitterness.

Yesterday late afternoon, Praise God, I began to feel back to normal, after going through 9 days of this sickness. I thank God that He works all things to our good, because we love Him and are called according to His purpose.

During this sickness, I could do nothing but be silent and wait on God, being led to read the scriptures He gave me throughout the Word. Little by little, each day He showed me the connectedness of everything in relation to the enemy's assault against the saints, to tempt us with the things of the world. God showed me the false teachers and false prophets, who had led many out of the narrow way and into the broad place of destruction, as they taught a prosperity Gospel, that was the doctrine of demons. Many have given into this seduction, and their hearts had grown cold.

Moreover, God showed me others who were teaching doctrines of demons, that the New Testament did away with tithing, and that it was satan's bait, to get many into worldliness. God revealed in Matthew 6, how Jesus proclaimed the tithing and offerings through giving, being free of the seductions of the world, along with fasting and prayers.

God then showed me how there was connectedness with those given over to the world and gaining things in the world, storing up treasures in earth, as they easily were offended with others and spoke poorly of people. God showed where the Love of Christ doesn't dwell there is JUDGING AND BITTERNESS.

He then showed me that worldliness and bitterness were tied to each other, and where someone's heart wasn't right about tithing and giving the offerings God directs, that there was also bitterness and judging of others. God said that people tied to the world and gaining things of the world couldn't forgive, and that it was easy to judge others, because the pride of life had crept in.

God labeled all of the three sins of the world, lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, under the heading COVETOUSNESS. He said people coveted the things of the world, and those who did, the love of God in them had grown cold. The Lord warned of Matthew 24:11-13.

11 And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error. 12 And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity, 13 But he who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:11-13 AMPC

God said that people who spoke poorly of others did so out of hatred in their own heart, and that they were murdering people. He said all bitterness and speaking poorly was born out of hatred, and that there was no real love of Christ present.

I asked the Lord to give me a sign about this message, and He did so in the middle of the night as I heard screaming coming below from the street, and saw that there was chaos abounding, and He had me praying His peace over the people. This went on for nearly 40 minutes. Then He gave me a dream.

In the dream, there was great darkness, and then He showed me someone speaking poorly towards me. They had a bed in a lofty place, and I seemed a beggar in the dream, sleeping where I could find space in the streets. Suddenly, this robot that had scissors for feet came towards me and was trying to cut me up, when then a shield came about me to protect me, and I was able to get rest.

God showed me that other's words that were negative towards me of other people, were meant to devour and cut people up, but those protected in the Lord wouldn't feel the sting of the tongue of death in which they spoke. He said, "Robin, speaking poorly of others is born of hatred in the heart, where there is every evil thought."

Then, God gave me open visions in the dreams, pouring out scriptures, as the time of darkness had covered the earth. Those who had hatred in their heart, couldn't see the scripture, nor receive it. They were blind and deaf.

Saints, I will be writing extensively about this in my new book "The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease." I cannot emphasize enough how there is connectedness, and many who think they're in the faith, are in the broad way that leads to destruction! They bear not the fruit of Holy Spirit, where we will have love for one another, being long suffering, patient, and forgiving.

God said to speak this message to His church and warn them, to be found in the faith in their fruit.

God showed me the connectedness of tithing, forgiving, being free of the world, and having the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven as the place of your treasure.

Please saints, don't be deceived! If you've listened to false teachings that says you're not to tithe, please repent! If you've talked poorly of others, please repent! You have covetousness of the world in your heart, and hatred, which is murder.

Please Saints, be found in Christ Jesus, for the world will know us by our love for one another!

On Christmas Eve, God gave me a vision, filling me with all these memories of the past 22 years where I've believed the best about others, showing me where at times they haven't believed the best about me, and I was clueless to it. However, that it was His love and goodness in me, that looked past their ways, and I only saw good in them! It overwhelmed me, because I had no awareness of this, as He unfolded it. I had believed this whole time I wasn't seeing the best in others, and in reality, unbeknownst to me, I had! Glory to God! He said that I saw through His love!

God reminded me that it doesn't matter what people think of you, what matters is what you think of them!

He showed me, that we are to be spotless with the things of this world, and as we see through love's eyes believing the best about others, we're like lambs, innocent.

3 Go your way; behold, I send you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Luke 10:3 AMPC

God bless!


You are accepted in the Beloved.


It is ok to grieve.