It is in the lowest place that we shift

I had to go to Off Road Connection to learn how to drive with this new clutch and new engine. LOL. My old clutch pad was completely worn out, and I had been driving prior on that old worn out pad. He said it was amazing I was still driving!

DO YOU HEAR THIS??????? I had been driving with a WORN OUT pad!!!!!!!!! I didn't know it!

It was when they installed the new engine that they found out my gear pad was completely worn! Therefore, when I got the new padding on, along with the new engine, I couldn't drive my jeep right! I felt like I was back in high school learning to drive for the first time, when I attempted to drive a stick shift back then. In high school my first attempt with a stick shift I drove into the football field fence. LOL. Thank goodness it was chainlink; I just got out and pulled it back into form.

I had to go back to the mechanic to show me how to shift with this new pad. Yesterday, I was burning rubber, the engine cutting off and the jeep jerking. But now, thank goodness, I know how this new pad on the gears, drives.

SAINTS! Some of you are worn out and don't realize you need a NEW PAD, POWER OF ALPHA'S DECREE! THE WORD OF TRUTH IN YOU!!!!!!

When you are worn out, you think you have power, when instead you're just pronouncing what you would like to happen, but don't BELIEVE WILL HAPPEN!!!!!

OH MY! The biggest change in this new pad, was me learning that the clutch now wanted to show in the LOWEST PLACE, where as before when it was worn out, it shifted in the HIGHEST PLACE! WOW THAT WILL PREACH!!!!!!!!

When we get the refreshing of the Lord, we decrease and He increases, we get low!!!!!!!!! It is in the low place we have His power!!!!!!!!

Robin Kirby Gatto


This life is a journey


Overcoming your giants