This life is a journey

We’re on a journey in this life. This earth isn’t our destination, merely the road we walk, as we leave our footprints along the way.

One thing I’ve learned, is that life has pains and troubles, as much as it has joys and expectations of hope. People become disappointed and discouraged, because they expect to only have only good feelings, not realizing all the while that God created us to experience joy and pain.

3 John 1:2 reveals this in greater capacity.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers.” 3 John 1:2 AMPC

Prosper in Greek means, to reach a place with success and to have a good journey, a well journey. We’ve looked at this life from the wrong viewpoint, thinking it’s our destination, when instead we’re all on a long road trip, journeying through this life on earth, to the next life.

The word soul in 3 John 1:2 means breath and that which is sentient. Sentient means to have feelings of the joyful things in life as well as the painful parts of life. It’s us SENSING! God created us to have senses, and you will discover in my new book, Mindfulness The Mind of Christ, that we actually have senses inside of our internal organs.

The painful parts of life, as well as the great parts, tells us that we’re still alive.

The amazing thing is, to the hungry soul that which is bitter and difficult, tastes sweet. (Proverbs 27:7)

God’s Promised Land flows with milk and honey. What you might not know is that milk in Hebrew is curdled milk, fermented and bitter. The incredible fact is that when you taste a bitter food prior to tasting something sweet, it makes the sweet food sweeter. I drink apple cider vinegar with the mother, diluted by water, each day. Right after I take it, I then taste a dab of honey. I’m grateful for the apple cider vinegar because it’s not only a good probiotic for my body, but it makes the honey taste so much better.

This is life! When you realize that the pain and difficult times are merely a diving board to amplify the great and joyful times, then you relax and live in the moment. This is how we live. We’re to enjoy this journey of life and help others have a good journey. If we all looked at life like this, how much better would it be?

Help others to get out of the maze of the things of this world, and live the life they were meant to live!


God Bless!

Robin Kirby-Gatto


Great food ideas


It is in the lowest place that we shift