Pain is a gift!

Saints of God, the Lord wants to encourage you! Many don't understand that in this life we will experience a full range of emotions. It's what we do with those emotions that is important. God works all things to our good. Every good gift comes from the Father of Lights! In 3 John 1:2, we see the unveiling of the soul.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers. 3 John 1:2 AMPC

Soul here in scripture, is the Greek word used for psyche and actually means spirit and breath, indicating that which cannot be seen, the soul. It also means SENTIENT. Now what is sentient, you might ask.

Sentient means that we will experience a variety of emotions involving pleasure/delight and pain. You got it! We weren't created to only live and experience delight, but also we have the gift of pain.

Now wait a minute you might question, PAIN IS A GIFT? Yes! Pain is a gift. Birthing children all starts with pain, LABOR PAINS. If it wasn't for the pain, you wouldn't know that it was time for the baby. The pain is a signal that something IS TO COME! A gift is in route to your heart and mind, revealing Who Christ Jesus, the Word of God, the Son of God, is! HE WAS, AND IS AND IS TO COME! DO YOU HEAR THIS? Pain in your life, is to move you to the next destination of God's blessing. However, it's all about the process. God is a processing God. Our soul gains progress through the process! So many think that we're not to experience pain, but that is a misconception. Pain is to move us to the next destination of our life, expecting that there will be a good end, an expected outcome.

If you're in a trial and experiencing pain in your soul and body, in your life, know that God is prospering your soul! I wrote about this scripture in great detail in my new book, Mindfulness the Mind of Christ. Prosper here actually means a WELL JOURNEY. The pain we experience in this earth, is to aid us on our journey through this life, whereby we know IT IS WELL WITH OUR SOUL! The more you give into the beauty of the gift of pain and keep your eyes on Christ Jesus, on Truth, on the Word of God, the greater the gift, the GREATER THE REWARD! It took the pain of persecution in the pit, the pain of false accusations at Potiphar's house, and the pain of isolation, to take Joseph to the POWER OF THE PALACE!


God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto


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