Breast cancer awareness month

This time a year ago, I was getting ready for surgery on October 29, 2021, for a lumpectomy in my breast.

I had gone for an annual screening for breast cancer, as always, in September, and was called back on the day of my birthday, September 16, 2021, because my scan picked up an atypical result. Within two weeks I was scheduled for a biopsy at the end of September, which resulted in atypical cells being removed from me. The doctor didn’t want to give opportunity for those atypical cells to turn into cancer. Now, I fell in the high-risk rate window because of the presentation of the atypical cells I had.

The surgeon and another doctor informed me of my high-risk percentage, which would now require not just an annual screening but an MRI each year. The MRI would be able to detect breast cancer much earlier than a regular mammogram.

Believe me, this was not anything I ever thought would happen or wanted to hear. Thanks be to God, the result of my lumpectomy surgery at the end of October last year, was BENIGN! I was so grateful to hear the news of no cancer, but it didn’t mean that I was off the hook because of my atypical cells and the category I now fell in for risk of getting breast cancer.

In saying that, I do the ketogenic diet, and have been on it for now going on six years, and do DIM to detox of any xenoestrogens now for over 3 years, as well as stay away from plastics, grounding, and doing black tea, working out, etc. I thank God that I had been doing all those preventive measures for my healthcare, because had I not, I am confident my report would have been worse. God gives us wisdom for our body and how to take care of our temple. For me it was a regiment that transformed my body over the course of a few years.

Prior to the keto diet I wanted to die and felt horrible. When God told me the name of the diet and to get on it, I knew that it was life or death. Slowly symptoms of other dis-eases faded away and I began to slowly feel good and get my energy back. Later, God had me add other things to aid in my health. Many times, we might brush off the nudges that God gives us, when if we heeded them, things would have turned out differently for us. I’m glad I heeded the voice of God.

Although I’m not over thrilled with getting MRIs now, I know that it is better to be safer than sorry. In saying all of this, I was so blessed last year when my operation landed in October, not knowing it was even Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Please women, get your annual screenings and never think you are too young to get it earlier than normal. Listen to the nudges of God directing you in your health and obey. I’m not a medical expert and am not putting this information out there for others to follow. I merely want you to see what happened in my life, and how grateful I am to God, my husband, sons, parents, family and loved ones, who encouraged me through this process. I am blessed! My outcome was good.

I’ve known others who have battled breast cancer and won. I’m in awe of their testimony. Please women, don’t avoid this issue; be aware!


God Bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


Pain is a gift!


Roadblocks ahead