Roadblocks ahead

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Roadblocks Ahead


Last night on Facebook, God had me release an announcement for a corporate fast this week regarding this nation and His church. I posted early this morning on what the Lord had shown me that is to come and to urge His people to fast. This is what I shared.

Sunday morning on October 3, 2021, Rich and I went to work out at the gym, unaware that there was a citywide 26-mile marathon. The first greeting to our car as we got in it, was a praying mantis on my side of the windshield. No matter what, that praying mantis wasn’t going to leave, and so we had to aid it in departing, by moving the windshield wipers. At that moment I felt God nudging me that He would give me a prayer need, what that need was, I didn’t know.

We live in the downtown Birmingham metro area, and workout in the heart of downtown. Moreover, we traverse the smaller outlying metro area to go to the store and get gas on our Sunday mornings before church.

This Sunday morning, the 26-mile marathon met us on our way out of the gym all the way up towards our house and in the outlying areas we always go. Getting a bit antsy, I told my husband I felt like someone who was falsely imprisoned in this maze and unable to get home. My mind simply reverted to my tort law class to the topic of false imprisonment. I even mentioned feeling as though I was falsely imprisoned to a policeman, who was kind enough to inform us of the 26 mile-marathon.

What should have only taken us 10 minutes, turned into an hour. There was roadblock after roadblock, everywhere we went, from downtown Birmingham to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, to Homewood, to Mountain Brook, to Brookwood and Green Springs Highway.


I can tell you, it felt very odd being kept in downtown Birmingham for a long time, and then as we finally found roads to venture out of the downtown area into the other areas, we were greeted with more and more unending roadblocks. I felt claustrophobic in a maze that seemed to never end for the time being.

Eventually, I decided that I had to be in God’s peace and get through this maze with His joy and not let unending roadblocks at every turn, making us search out another route, be alarming. This is crazy to say but initially it was. I felt emotional and mental suffocation, with no end in sight.

We finally made it home, and I heard the Lord say, “Robin, call my people to a fast and to pray.” I was thinking, we just got off a fast in September and now another one for October. Then later that evening, I got a message from Matt Snow who asked me about what a praying mantis means, because he had one fly in his car the same day, which had come upon his driver side. I then felt God’s nudge that confirmed the fasting and prayer for the hour we were in, which led to last night’s announcement.

This morning I went into to detail on a Facebook post, about all that I experienced on Sunday (yesterday) and that we would be going through a maze of sort, bringing in Jeremiah 12:5-7, in the days ahead and we needed to be prayed up and in peace. It would be a version on a nationally level of what I experienced during our Sunday morning event. I included the bible scriptures for the present time regarding this week’s fast.

Jeremiah 12:5 in the Amplified Classic refers to the present age Jeremiah found himself, as a MAZE. I posted a graphic last year in May, with the verse on it. (See below)

In addition, I did a live video this morning, Walking With Wisdom, on Facebook Live. I shared this experience of traversing the maze, as I explained several times that there will be roadblocks in the days ahead, where we must pray and be at peace.

Well, would you know that within a couple of hours of that live video and calling people to prayer, Facebook and Instagram went down, and have been down to this moment as of 4 pm CST. Immediately I heard God say, “Robin it is one of the roadblocks I warned that would come.”

I Googled Facebook and error and saw that both it and Instagram were down, and about there being a Whistleblower to expose Facebook.

Moreover, I searched Google for “Facebook and roadblock,” and staring me in my face was an article published two hours before my Facebook Live, titled “Facebook’s sketchy past with user data could be a ROADBLOCK for Instagram kids.” There it was! ROADBLOCK!

With this said, I will hopefully upload this morning’s video to this article once Facebook is up and running again, so I can download it from there and post.

Saints, I’m more than confidant in this hour that we are to be in prayer and fasting and God’s nudge for us to be ready, is His protection and peace for our soul. More is to come. I continually said over and over in the video, that there would be roadblocks to come, and we would be in a maze, but that God would get us through it with peace.

When all of this happened this morning with social media, I had complete peace and could feel God’s confirmation on what He is preparing us for. Be at peace saints, God is going to get us through this maze.

My new book on Amazon, Mindfulness the Mind of Christ, helps you navigate the maze of the jungle in this life, with God’s peace and truth.


Robin Kirby-Gatto


[But the Lord rebukes Jeremiah’s impatience, saying] If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take to flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled MAZE OF THE JUNGLE haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?

For even your brethren and the house of your father—even they have dealt treacherously with you; yes, even they are [like a pack of hounds] in full cry after you. Believe them not, though they speak fair words and promise good things to you.

I have forsaken My house, I have cast off My heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of My life into the hands of her enemies. Jeremiah 12:5-7 AMPC



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