
Saints, the shoes of God's peace are so powerful, delivering you from the adversary, as God's peace rules your heart and surpasses your understanding, to tread over serpents and scorpions, where they by no means shall harm you, as God's abiding peace crushes satan under your feet!

Sometimes, you just have to get your stomp on! When the devil comes at me with lies, that would limit who I am in Christ and try and make me someone I am not, I just get my stomp on! I get my chaos slaying, to the one who has no good saying, lying lips, and nasty mischievous smile trying to work his iniquity against me through a lying spirit that wants me to buy his message, and I say NO satan, NOT TODAY, NOT EVER! AND I JUST IMAGINE HIS HEAD UNDER MY BEAUTIFUL SHINY SILVER BOOTS, AND STOMP ON IT!

There are times you need to go through catharsis, which is a purging, a cleansing, where all things are made clear by truth, and stomp your foot on the ground, to realize no devil has a hold on you! No devil is going to speak to you through lying lips, selling you a bill of divination, because you like Paul know that assignment that pretends to be God but is not, and you kick that thing to the curb as he did in Acts 16! When that thing had spoken a message around him long enough as he was doing the work of the Lord, and the HOLY SPIRIT showed Paul what was speaking, he cast it out! He got his stomp on, so that thing couldn't speak to him anymore!

You cannot worry about what others think about you, because they don't understand your battle, your story, your life, or your call. They don't know the warfare you are under. They don't know how far you have pushed through just to get to today!

You just have to step on the Highway of Holiness and let God take you Mach 1 into the call! Saints, someone reading this needs to get violent to seize the Kingdom of Heaven by force, and get your stomp on! God bless! A violent daughter who seizes heaven by force, because I KNOW HIS NAME, and guess what I KNOW MY NAME TOO!

Robin Kirby Gatto

And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you. ROMANS 16:20 AMPC


Whatever has your attention, controls your intention.


The hidden variable