Whatever has your attention, controls your intention.

Saints of God, keep your mind on things above and not on things of this earth. The things of this earth will vie for your attention. Vie means "to compete eagerly to achieve something." This comes from the Latin word invitare meaning "to challenge." This Latin word is also where the English word "invite" comes from.

When we give our attention to the things of this world and negative reports, we invite it into our members. Jesus says that we are to be careful and give heed to what we listen to because it will be added unto us. (Mark 4:24-26)

The things of this world are competing for your attention to challenge the Word of God. It brings fear and causes double-mindedness. Wherever we put our attention, controls our intentions. God has me extensively write on this in the new book, The Forbidden Fruit the Spiritual Disease. The whole purpose of satan coming after mankind in the Garden of Eden was to control mankind's intention; there is power in intention.

In Lou De Broglie's "Wave-Particle Duality Theory" there is evidence of our thoughts and emotions, bringing that which we are looking for, into existence. I went into detail about this in my books Rev 22:2 and Mindfulness the Mind of Christ.

Saints, the power God gave to our intention, is beyond our ability to comprehend. This is faith. Faith is able to call things that are not, as though they are. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen, that will come into being. Jesus said, be it unto you according to your faith. That is the power of intention! Guard your heart and mind. God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

Hebrews 11:1-3; Philippians 4:8; Mark 4:24; Romans 4:17; Mark 9:29


Dust off the mirrors

