The nudge to fly

Adapt and Pivot

by Robin Kirby Gatto

Saints, sometimes we think we know how much we can handle in life. Clueless to the fact that we've grown more than we realize, we limit ourselves.

God, on the other hand, knows that we ready for something larger, and brings us to a place, where He push us out of the nest to fly! Glory to God!

Some eagles push their babies out of the nest by enticing them with food, and other times, they just push them out!

God is always speaking to us through His Word, leading us to fly out of the nest. However, fear holds us back, and in those moments out of Love, He pushes us out!

It's never comfortable to be pushed into a new season, or enlargement. Sometimes it's scary. I know this well having worked as a social worker in a bachelor's and master's degree, through the 1990s and early 2000s, as "baptism by fire." Although you have school and training, nothing can really prepare you for the job that you ultimately take on.

It was the same way, when I went into full-time ministry in 2011. Although I had done ministry for years part-time, when it came to a time of transition in my life, to enter the place of God's promise, it was baptism by fire. In those moments, it is complete leaning of your entire person on God as in Proverbs 3:3-6.

3 Let not mercy and kindness [shutting out all hatred and selfishness] and truth [shutting out all deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood] forsake you; bind them about your neck, write them upon the tablet of your heart. 4 So shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man. 5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:3-6 AMPC

All through our lives, we perceive God's plan to a measure, but not to the fullest degree, and as a result when He's ready for us to step-up, we at times want to shrink back, feeling inadequate and even as though "they" (the other person that we've imagined in our mind) could do it better. The comparison game comes in and tries to mess with our mind. This is where you have to keep your eyes on Christ and not the "they."

I'm sure David felt like this before becoming King, and Joseph, before becoming second in command of Egypt!

I know this well in relation, to thinking I know what God wants me to do, but His plans are ALWAYS LARGER THAN MINE! They are Ephesians 3:20!

Many of you are in a place where God is pushing you out of the nest to fly, and you have to completely trust Him, that the Father knows what you can do!

As we end 2023, and go into 2024, God is pivoting His saints to fly higher than they have before. He knows what His sons and daughters can do and are meant to do! He is the Father of Lights, Who gives good and perfect gifts to His children!

As you are pushed out to fly, adapt to the newness of it, and pivot, fully leaning into what He is doing, owning who you are in Christ!


God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

ISAIAH 40:31!!!!!

28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. 29 He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; 31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. ISAIAH 40:28-31 AMPC


For Such a Time as This


5784 the Year of Destiny and Sanity