For Such a Time as This

Saints, the Father of Lights, has given good and perfect gifts to His children, in order that His righteousness is made known to others! As we go from glory to glory in the consecrated body and transformed mind, we have veils removed from our soul, becoming fully, who He has destined us to be.

It took the trying of faith in Joseph, given dreams from God, as he was then put in a pit and sold as a slave, going in time into prison. It was absolutely absurd to think that a convict slave could be SECOND IN COMMAND OF EGYPT, the greatest nation at his time.

God destined Joseph for a purpose, which was to provide for His people, when there would be a time in which satan would try and wipe them out. The enemy's plan did not prevail, because God had prepared one, who would be faithful in the gift that He had given, bringing it into completion, perfection!


It was the same with Esther, when she was a nobody, brought to the palace, to be QUEEN OF PERSIA! She was brought into position FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, for God's people! Her stand against Haman, kept the Jewish people alive, preserving their destiny!

"Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse]." James 1:17 AMPC

Saints, whatever you're going through, is to bring completion to the work of the Lord for your life, in what He's destined you for on earth. You have to rejoice in your trials, because their merely a detour to the place in which the Lord God will use your gift for the benefit of His people. Good means "benefit" in Greek, and perfect means "to complete."

God will complete the gift in you that will benefit others! Watch my video from yesterday where I encouraged the body of Christ in this Holy Scripture.

God bless!


It is ok to grieve.


The nudge to fly