Time to Regroup # 2

Saints, as we're in the midst of regrouping, with change and transition, staying in God's rest, there's always a mix of emotions that come with it, such as relief, joy, and sadness.

Today's Time to Regroup is about dealing with the reality of your emotions. Over the past couple of days, as change finally has taken place, I'm wanting to dance for the miracles, but also, find myself weeping because things are different.

In 2005 when we moved from the house that the boys and I knew most of our time in Alabama, while they were young, I wept like a baby driving off with the last load. That's what today is about. I was more than excited to leave that place and happy about our move, but unconsciously I broke once I finally said goodbye.

Rich and the boys were at the new place, I packed the last load to leave, locked the door, and got in the car. No sooner, had I drove down to towards the end of the road, that a neighbor came by, going to her house, and rolled down her window, and I just absolutely broke. Where in the world was all this emotion coming from?

Change, although welcomed, still has to be released from our members. I get into this in my book "Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ," discussing freedom that comes to our entire being, as we go through Catharsis, at the receptor level. Memories are stored throughout the body in the G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) and unpack when neuropeptides and/or frequencies hit it.

Aristotle coined catharsis back in his time, when people sit in front of a theatrical production, and all of a sudden are overcome with emotion. The Greek word from which Catharsis comes is the exact primary Greek word, katharos, that composes "prune," in John 15:2.

"Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit." John 15:2 AMPC

This Greek word means to purge and make clear.

That which is pruned from us, are the memories in which the enemy would hold our soul in place of grief, stagnation, and not wanting to change. These have to be released, and generally I've found it comes through weeping. I will say that women whose hormones are out of balance, might need to get them checked; it could be the need for attention to hormones.

This morning, as I am overjoyed at the change, I still found myself weeping, because the new season has come, transition has taken place, and in this place, I miss things as they were. It's never easy, BUT GOD!

Think about this Saints, as Joshua and the mighty men of war were entering a new season, they had to let go of the old, pressing into the goodness of God, as they regrouped! They probably let out many emotions around the campfire, going through the healing process, emptying the old season, to enter the new.

Be hopeful saints, and let go of the emotions, be vulnerable to be real, and allow the clarity of heart and mind to set in, as you REGROUP!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto




Time to Regroup # 1