Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork, No Sag, No Drag, No Lag!

Tighten up with God’s Kindness

Time to Regroup Part # 3


As I’ve aged, and learned a lot in relation to physiology, especially as I study more for the new book, I’ve been writing over 2 ½ years, “The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease,” I’m amazed at the intricacies of God’s fearful and wonderful work within our being. I’m left in awe.

One of the things I’ve studied was John E. Dowling’s “Neurons and Networks,” for his intro class into Neuroscience at Harvard, to which he wrote his own textbook. In chapter 5, I learned that acetylcholine is the number one neurotransmitter in the brain. What does that mean for you and me? It means several things. I couldn’t have come across it at a better time personally for me and my loved ones, as well as for the health and wellness coaching, I do.

Acetylcholine is produced in the cell body of a neuron, where DNA coding within the nucleus sends a message to the Messenger RNA (mRNA) to transcribe a part of the genetic code, take that information out into the cytoplasm, to where the Endoplasmic Reticulum is, gathering the needed links for creating the neurotransmitter, and going through the process of it traveling the axon, and finally exiting the synapse, where it goes into the space between neurons known as the synaptic cleft, signaling for a multiplicity of things. One thing I found important was that Acetylcholine helps with memory, cognition, and learning. Moreover, it helps with muscle contractions. This had been one thing as of late I lacked, having trouble processing things, as well as my digestion was completely messed up.

For about a month and a half I had been taking DMAE, and I found out that it blocked acetylcholine receptors, after further investigation. Immediately I stopped taking the DMAE supplement and looked for my bottles of Choline/Inositol and put Rich and I both on the supplementation, that I dismissed and stopped months earlier. Acetate in the body combines with choline to create acetylcholine. Choline is an essential nutrient that our body uses to create acetylcholine.

One of the things I learned is that not all choline supplements are created equal. I did further research coming upon a doctor, who spoke about Body Bio PC (phosphatidylcholine) a higher quality of choline that had incredible reviews. I felt led to get it and am beyond glad I did. (Also, make sure you talk to your doctor before starting a supplement.) Immediately, I felt energy, and my mind was like that of a teenager with sharpness! Having the wisdom of 57 years with a sharpness in mind of a teenager is beyond appealing to me.

In saying all of this, one of the things I discovered was that Acetylcholine helps with TIGHTENING SKIN! For me this is amazing! I noticed for the last several years how my skin has more sag and lacks elasticity. I’ve done research with collagen, copper in the diet, estrogen, and more, determined to get my skin back to good shape with tightness. I discovered collagen doesn’t work without acetylcholine signaling. It is the number one neurotransmitter, as well as a neuromodulator, in mostly everything in our body.

I noticed within a month’s time that the sagging skin above my knees was now TIGHTENING! I was blown away, and then Rich mentioned that the skin on the back of my legs was now tightening! He couldn’t believe it.

As I lay in bed this morning, the Lord spoke to me that SAG is indicative of the Self-Absorbed Group, who have need of His kindness. He then began to speak to me about the Sagging group, is the Dragging and Lagging group.

Sag means “to decline to a lower level temporarily,” and comes from the Dutch word meaning “subside.” Drag means “to pull something forcefully with difficulty.” Finally, lag means “to fall behind in progress,” and comes from archaic meaning “to arrest or send to prison.”

God showed me how people are so self-absorbed and remain in a stress state, lacking courtesy and kindness with others, that they are arrested in their own prison, that’s pulling them down. (Understand, I’m not referring to people in crisis trying to regroup with severe circumstances and a lack of emotional and mental resources.)

God showed me that people are so self-absorbed in their own lives, that they don’t have the simple kindnesses and courtesies with others, in seeing how others are doing, really seeing people, and looking to give and not take.

Acetylcholine initiates both the parasympathetic (the relaxed state of the body responsible for digestion, heartbeat, reproductive organs, and colon) as well as the sympathetic (stress response). However, acetylcholine continues to be the signaling molecule for the parasympathetic system to remain relaxed, whereas norepinephrine is the signaling molecule for the parasympathetic system, where people are fueled to stay stressed out and absorbed with self, because they’re fighting to survive and are in a taking state of mind.

God revealed to me how with low acetylcholine, one remains in a chronic stress state, fighting to survive, where there’s a lack of kindness.

In God’s Fire Wall School of the Prophets Ephesians 3:20, God had me teach the book of Ephesians with Astronomy, and in the session on Pastor, had me show the attributes of Christ Jesus were that of Gentleness and Meekness. Gentleness is the kindness of God.

“Or are you [so blind as to] trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His KINDNESS and forbearance and long-suffering patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God’s KINDNESS is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will)?” Romans 2:4 AMPC

Kindness in Greek is chrēstós pronounced khrase-tos meaning “Employed, useful, easy, good, goodness, gracious and kind.” (Strong’s Concordance Grek word # 5543) This comes from the Greek word chráomai pronounced khrah'-om-ahee meaning “to furnish what is needed, graze, light upon, to act toward one in a given manner, entreat, and use.” (Strong’s Concordance Greek word # 5530.

Having gone to watch Inside Out 2, an adorable movie, about the emotions inside of a person, and what could be motivating them, was the new emotion of ANXIETY, as the little girl, was now turning into a young woman and her hormones were all over the place. Anxiety wanted to take charge of everything and not be a team player. It’s crazy because as we watched the first movie again, Inside Out, before going to see the second one. I kept singing along to what I thought the lyrics to the tune were, “Dreamwork makes the Teamwork.” I thought I would look up the lyrics to the song for Inside Out and turns out there are no lyrics, it’s just a tune! I was like that’s crazy because I could have been persuaded there’s a song called Dreamwork makes the Teamwork and turns out it’s a saying coined by John Maxwell for his leadership series.

When you SAG, you’re self-absorbed, dragging everyone else down, seeing them poorly, as you regress, because you’re having difficulty, trying to force things to happen. There’s no teamwork.

Where there’s teamwork, there’s unity and kindness.

As the acetylcholine signaling tightened my legs, being on Body Bio PC only a little over a month, God’s kindness causes our self-image to not sag, where we’re not dragging through life, or lagging, because we see the lives of others, and look to meet those needs. Remember this is in relation to those not in severe crisis. If you’re in severe crisis, you don’t have the resource at times, and need to be in God’s intensive care unit.

The handful of people, who knew what was going on in my life over the last two and a half weeks, said “Robin, I don’t know how you’re even on Facebook.” Only God, His peace, His tranquility of heart and mind, as I saw past my own crisis that was life and death and looked to see the goodness of God in others.

Saints, I’ll be real there’s such a sloppiness of consideration, courtesy and etiquette in Christians, that I’m appalled. People are so self-absorbed, that they’ve lost common courtesies of keeping commitments, responding to messages, as well as being kind to others.

When Rich and I worked with others necessary to bring about God’s plan for the crisis to be resolved, and they worked with us, we all worked as a team and were kind to one another. There was such ease and joy that it blew my mind. This past Saturday was the biggest day of finalizing transition of the change that came swiftly, as what was supposed to be a huge workday for Rich and me, was actually like being on a vacation!!! We were blown away. Even when we had to go pick up and do what we would think was two trips in our car in moving someone, it was only one trip, and another party had already done the heavy work for us and had it all organized, as well as packed the car!!!!!!!!!!!

We stayed there ministering to the young man and God had me bless him, to which he was shocked. He was a part of the team for the transition in what was taking place, and had done his work for what was necessary, making our job effortless! We spent time sharing kindness with him, as he did with us. It was nothing but a team of kindness!!!!!

“It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].” 1 Corinthians 13:5 AMPC

This is the kindness of God, being humble, courteous, working as a team, patient, and willing to reason with others. THIS IS LOVE!

Where is it you need to REGROUP, getting out of the SELF-ABSORBED GROUP, the SURVIVAL ABSORBED GROUP, where is it you’re SAGGING? Where you’re sagging, you’re dragging and lagging. You’re in a prison, arrested by your low self-esteem, trying to force things to happen in life, as you live in a chronic stress state.


“Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 AMPC

This past weekend I saw three personalized tags BEKIND, REVEAL, and ONELINK. Saints, the ONE LINK that holds us together is God’s Love, where we can BE KIND, REVEALING that Love to others! Be a part of the Link; it’s TEAMWORK THAT MAKES THE DREAM WORK!


God bless!


Robin Kirby-Gatto


Reorganize! A Time to Regroup Part 4


Time to Regroup # 2