Reorganize! A Time to Regroup Part 4



Organized is “to arrange in a structured whole, order; make arrangements or preparations for, coordinate,” and is derived from the Latin word organum, which means “organ.” An organ is “a part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans; a large musical instrument having rows of tuned pipes sounded by compressed air; and a department or organization that has a specified function.”

Structure means everything, when it comes to getting organized. I get into detail about structure in “Chapter 2 Isaiah 53:11” in my new book “The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease.”

When looking at organization in one’s life, its necessary to look at the whole person, because the physical components and lack of attention in focusing on organ health within the human body, will in time have effect on one’s life, and ability to have order in their environment. Also, the opposite is true, where there’s a lack of order in the environment, the stress response takes a toll on one’s kidneys and adrenals, thereby affecting all other organs, wreaking havoc.

Therefore, in today’s Time to Regroup Part 4, Reorganization is key, in looking at the body and environment. When both are in tune to one another in God’s peace, then there’s a song in the heart, like an organ pipe instrument, praising God, as all of creation does.

“For you shall go out [from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland] with JOY and be led forth [by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word] with PEACE; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12 AMPC

All of creation, rejoices when God shows up in the midst of His people, bringing freedom. With organization comes Joy and Peace. Joy in Hebrew is simchâh pronounced sim-khaw' meaning “blithesomeness, exceeding glad, joy, joyfulness, pleasure, and rejoicing.” (Strong’s Concordance Hebrew word # 8057) The Hebrew letters that compose Joy are Sheen, Mem, Chet, and Hey. Sheen is the ancient symbol of teeth meaning to consume in the positive. Mem is the ancient symbol of water meaning flooding and massive in the positive. Chet is the ancient symbol of a fence or chamber meaning secret place and separation. Finally, Hey is the ancient symbol of a person worshipping God and means to reveal. Therefore, the word picture for Joy is BEING MASSIVELY CONSUMED, FLOODED IN THE SECRET PLACE, AS GOD’S WORSHIP IS REVEALED! PRAISE GOD!

When the chaos around you is louder than the worship of God in you, you have to RE-ORGANIZE. You have to begin with the heart and mind. Is there a volume of noise coming from circumstances that is negative? Are you consumed with what others think of you? Do you need to get your hormones and bloodwork checked, to make sure you have an optimal level of function in your organs? All of these are factors to consider.

Reorganize means to CHANGE THE WAY something is organized. Change your priorities.

One of the things that helps one advance in reorganizing is ACCEPTANCE. God taught me years ago that acceptance can be your best friend. Whatever your attention controls your intent.

When I went through massive hormonal changes, was out of whack, and had incredible life stressors I dealt with for over a decade, I didn’t stay on top of everything in my house the last couple of years, because I could barely function. I’d been putting unnecessary stress on myself, flogging myself that I was doing a poor job. Then I began to reorganize right before Swift Change happened in July. I gave myself a break. I loved myself for who I was in the moment, and that I’d gotten to this point of being alive and doing the best I could with all considerations of my physical and mental health, taking a toll on me spiritually.

First love yourself. Get your heart right in knowing that God’s love never fails, and see yourself from His eyes, as you know that His perfect love drives out fear from the heart and mind. Get fear out of those two organs. Reorganize, and set your eyes on the Love of the Father. That washes out the residue of chaos, as you begin to start with WORSHIP, PRAISE GOD! Worship is the beginning of the evidence of structure showing up in your life. Little by little, get your environment organized by giving yourself time to heal, time to accept situations, time to move on and move forward.

The Hebrew word for peace is shâlôwm pronounced shaw-lome' meaning “peace, peaceable, prosper, rest, safe, wholly, favor, welfare, and well.” (Strong’s Concordance Hebrew word # 7965) The Hebrew letters that compose peace are Sheen, Lamed, Vav, and Mem. Sheen is to consume, and Mem is to flood and massive. The Hebrew symbol for Lamed is a cattle goad meaning “tongue, control, and authority.” Vav is the ancient symbol of a tent peg and nail, meaning to add and secure. Therefore, the word picture for peace is BEING CONSUMED (BY GOD) AS HE MASSIVELY FLOODS YOU ADDING HIS AUTHORITY AND CONTROL.

As you seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will add all things unto you! He will REORGNAIZE YOU! Seek peace with all people and the holiness of God, without which we won’t see Him. Do you need peace in your heart towards others? Do you need to see if things are off in your body, so you can be at optimal level physically and mentally? Do you need to get your worship back?

Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] JOHN 14:27 AMPC

Robin Kirby-Gatto


Courage; A Time to Regroup Part 5
