
I am just in AWE, as I reflect back on the goodness of God during this fast we have been on, of John 17! For 14 days I did water only and felt completely weak, depleted of electrolytes, close to dehydration. I lost 16 pounds within that time, and although I continued to drink electrolyte water and daily supplements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc), I was still weak. I did immediately gain all the water weight I was desperately in need of gaining, which was about 8-9 pounds after the first week re-feed.

I must say that starting out, it was a bit rough; I felt like the gates of hell were coming against me. However, in the midst of it I realized, that the GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST THE CHURCH! Church comes from the Latin word ecclesia, which is made from two words meaning, “out of, “ and “to call.” Thus, the two words form the meaning “TO CALL OUT!”

Therefore, if we look at the deeper truth of this as it relates to our self-image, we can see this from two perspectives: 1) To call us out of a place of familiarity and ordinary, into a life of extraordinary, and 2) To call things out of us that are bad influencers, bring us negativity.

In my fast, I had to see that which was unlovely in my heart, where I was not being the Church, Christ oriented and seeing where I was meant to live in the extraordinary. I needed the negative influence that whispered to me, in my most vulnerable moments, to be called out. When we see what we are called to where we wake up each day with the anticipation of opportunity and not dread.

In my weakest moments physically, I found myself inept to deal with the smallest things, seeing the irritations of my own negative emotions being exposed, as I realized I HAVE NO VOICE IN MYSELF, BUT ONLY THE VOICE OF GOD! When I choose to let go of my desire to be right, and instead yield to the spiritual voice of God in my life, I become limitless and extraordinary.

As I share on my page of “What we do,” which is in the link, you will see where God gave me the four aspects of the legs of table, which are physical, spiritual, emotional/mental and relationships. The table is our self-image. The revelation God gave me over the course of several months, has been shared on videos as well.

If we take care of the physical wellness but do not take care of our spiritual wellness, then we are unstable, and try to seek a voice in and of ourselves, which is not the purest form of our self-image.

This can be seen through merino wool. If you are going on a trip or going about your day, with the knowledge you will not be able to wash your clothes for a while, and possibly have opportunity to sweat in your clothes, the best clothing is merino wool. Why? Because IT DOES NOT SMELL.

Most clothing begins to stink due to the microbes which grow in the fibers of their clothing. However, it is not that way with merino wool. It does not absorb moisture or to put it bluntly, it does not take own your sweat. Therefore, microbial bacteria cannot grow (stinky stuff) in your clothing. That is why merino wool t-shirts are great for workouts. Merino wool sweaters are great for the winter. It is funny that sweaters has the word “SWEAT” in it.

Our sweat can be likened to the negative influence of our imperfect self-image, the pattern that needs to be broken, our negative voice. The sweat is that voice. It causes. stench in our soul as it is absorbed.

Merino wool does not absorb sweat and is obtained from sheep. Today you will see on the tag of a good sweater from Ireland, “New Pure Merino Wool.” This resemblance of purity can be likened to the spiritual voice of God, which we give our self-image over to, allowing ourselves to be limitless, knowing each day is a new opportunity of greatness.

When I make God’s voice, my voice, then the sound of this world and its passions upon my soul of wanting to be validated, fade away, and His Love moves to the forefront! The Spiritual wellness aspect of our lives, is when we are ONE WITH GOD, in the purest form of our self-image.

The only validation I need, is His!

Validity means, “the quality of being factually or logically sound.” This is what is so amazing; logic comes from the Greek word LOGOS, which means WORD! In the beginning was the Word! (John 1:1) Thus, our Logic or soundness of mind, our self-image, is BASED ON WORDS!

What words to do we speak? What are we saying about ourselves all day long? This determines our soundness or can I say, shows where we get our validity. Are we getting it from our chaotic feelings that at times rule us in our weakness, where we are stretched to find our footing and gain self-control. This can only be done through Christ.

With the reflection of truth that came into my heart this morning, I heard the still small voice of God in my heart ask, "Robin, what did you ask for in this fast?" I had certain things going into the John 17 fast, which I wanted as answered prayer.

As I stood still this morning, it began to dawn on me, in returning an answer to the Lord, “YOU ANSWERED ALL OF MY PRAYERS!!!!!!!!! EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

I realized my focus of wanting the answered prayers had faded about half-way through the fast, and all I wanted was to be PURE!!!!!!!!

I abhor the appearance of my flesh that I caught eye of in this 40 day time, moving me to a place of wanting to be completely HIDDEN IN CHRIST!!!! I WANTED THE LIGHT!!!!!! TRUTH!!!!!!! No matter how much it hurt me, in knowing how weak I still am, needing to be completely dependent on God, regardless of what I see.

This burning fire of Holy Spirit exposing the chaff, swelled within my heart with such delight that I rejoiced in the consecration of my body, being submitted to God!!!!!!!!! I rejoiced at the removal of any fabric in my self-image that was not PURE.


Not submitted to my emotions but to God, as HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The still small voice of God brought me comfort, assurance and confidence in knowing GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS!!!!!!! Even when we feel like failures, He hears us!!!! In the midst of our failing, He heals us from that which has been ailing our soul, the microbes of this life which bring an infection to the self-image are removed!

I am transparent as water, where I am seen as I see!




Turning lemons into lemonade