
Excerpt from Mindfulness, The Mind of Christ, Living a Meditated Life
By Robin Kirby Gatto

"The reason the devil has dominated this largest trending topic of discussion, is because he knows there is power in the human MIND. My journey started in June 2019, where God broadened my studies in science, having me learn more physics and dive deeper into the subject of neuroscience. In most of the 75 plus workbooks that I have written, I have studied and written about anatomy, physics, mathematics, astronomy, and physiology Therefore, studying neuroscience was a welcome joy, making me feel like a kid at Christmas, anxiously waiting for the day that I could open my present.

It was then that I came across a specific scientist who taught on the subject, making the claim that he was seeing “miracles of Biblical proportions” in many of his meetings, which were focused on the topic of Mindfulness. However, I knew those meetings were not Christ centered, and did not deal with the premise of the Word of God.

So, my question was this, “How can those, who are not Christian, experience these healings within their body? Moreover, how is it that the Body of Christ Jesus, at large, did not experience these healings?” Then it dawned like the rising of the sun within my thoughts, the mind is more powerful than we can comprehend. Mind you, this is coming from someone who has given much attention, writing books on scripture with the anatomy of the brain and the physiology of the body. However, with all of that said, the understanding of the power of the brain was larger than I could have ever realized.

This is why satan wants to keep this knowledge only for those who are under his influence, where healings are not ‘supernatural,’ but rather a natural result in knowing the mind and body connection, and how it brings about healing.

How much more should it be for us as a Christ filled believer? When we recognize that WE ARE THE TEMPLE OF HOLY SPIRIT and walk in the divine nature of the Mind of Christ Jesus, we live a life of wholeness, satisfaction.

As a result, I apprehended the reality of 1 Corinthians 2 in a greater measure, like a bamboo tree on its fifth year, beaming 90 feet high out of the ground within a few days. This chapter in the Word of God, is one which I have taught in most of my teaching and preaching engagements, as well as written about thoroughly, in many of my books.

The 1 Corinthians 2 Mind, the Mind of Christ, is a mind-set that disrupts the powers of darkness. It enables us to overcome. As long as Christians stay bound up in mindsets that are like an emotional roller coaster, why would an atheist want a life influenced by those whom he has known stumbling and crawling through what seems hellish?

I couldn’t comprehend why many in the Church experienced mountain top victories for a brief moment, and then spent what seemed to be 90 percent of their time in valleys, moaning and groaning, much like Israel in the wilderness. Then it hit me as God began to unfold the MIND-BODY connection and the importance on mindfulness."


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